Chapter 26

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I got into the car and I drove to the sway house so I can confront Quinton.

I arrived and the door was slightly open and I kicked the door open and everyone looked up in shock.

Josh: Woah Rena! What was that about?

Rena: (cries) WHERES QUINTON?

Josh: He's over there


Quinton: Hey baby, what's up?


Quinton: Um what are you talking about?

Rena: Well according to tiktokroom, you and Cynthia are back together... How did this happen?

Quinton: Well, after school yesterday, Cynthia came over and she apologized for what she did and she wanted me to give her a second chance and I said yes.

Rena: Um you do realize that WE are in a relationship. But if you want to date her, fine.

Quinton: Where are you going?

Rena: Home!

Quinton: But what about us?


I slammed the door shut

Josh: Damn she needs to chill with the door.

I got into the car and I drove back home and I went to my room and I cried in my pillow.

While I had my face buried in my pillow, bunny FaceTimes me and I answered immediately.

Bunny: Omg Rena what's wrong?

Rena: (cries) Quinton cheated on me!

Bunny: Oh yeah I saw it on tiktokroom.

Rena: I can't believe he would do this to me.

Bunny: I know right? Like what does this bitch have that you don't?



Bunny: Does your mom know about this?

Rena: Yeah, she overheard me yell

Bunny: Oh well I'm sorry this happened to you...

Rena: Whatever, he caused this...

Bunny: Well, I just wanted to call you because I'm excited to come see you.

Rena: Me too

Bunny: I'll see you tomorrow

Rena: See you tomorrow

Bunny: Bye!

After I FaceTimed Bunny, my mom walked into my room

Mom: Hey, are you still upset about Quinton?

Rena: Yeah

Mom: Well I was wondering if you want to come to Dairy Queen with me to get ice cream?

Rena: Yeah I sounds nice

Mom: Great! Let's go!

I put my shoes on and my mom takes me to Dairy Queen to cheer me up and I appreciate that a lot.

I got a soft served chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles in a cone and my mom got the same thing but it was vanilla. We sat outside and ate our ice cream and we were talking.

Mom: Are you excited that Bunny is coming?

Rena: I am!

Mom: That's good. I bet she's excited too

Rena: She is


A few hours later... I'm home and I took a shower, washed my face, put on my pjs and I went to sleep because I have school tomorrow morning.

The next day...

It is Friday and I was so excited for later because Bunny is coming but she's gonna be here in the afternoon so right now I'm getting ready for school. I got into the car and I drove to school and I came to geometry class early because I usually wait for Quinton but we're not dating anymore so I just go off by myself.

I'm sitting in the classroom and the girls walk in.

Gigi: Oh hey Rena! You're here early

Rena: Yeah because I usually wait for Quinton but um... I don't know if you know but he cheated on me with Cynthia.

Cameron: Oh no...


Rena: Yeah

Gigi: I'm so sorry that happened

Vicky: Dont worry Rena, you'll find another guy soon...

Rena: Im probably gonna take a break from dating for awhile. Oh yeah also, I'm excited for later!

Gigi: Whats going on later?

Rena: My best friend from my hometown is visiting me today.

Gigi: That's awesome!

Skipping to next period...

I walk with Gigi to chemistry and of course Quinton is already there and it's gonna be awkward, but I realize that everyone is standing up because we are getting our seats changed because it's the new quarter. (Good timing)

I looked at the smart board so I can find where I am sitting and I'm sitting in the front row near the door so at least I'll be close to the door and Quinton is behind me and Gigi is the table next to me.

During class I didn't make any eye contact with Quinton or say anything and he didn't do anything either like I pretended he wasn't there.

Skipping to lunch, I sit with Gigi, Cameron and Vicky I'm the gym to eat lunch and I get a text from Bunny.


Bunny: yo Rena! I'm in la now


Rena: I'm in school rn

Rena: OMG guys, bunny is here!

Gigi: That's great!

I see the principal walking up to me and told me to come with him.

Principal: Ms Ferguson, your mom is here to pick you up.

Rena: Oh? Okay

I go to the main hall and I see my mom standing there.

Rena: Hey mom, what are you doing here?

Mom: I'm picking you up because we're gonna pick her up from the airport.

Rena: Ohh okay! Wait! I drove here, should I drop the car off first?

Mom: I walked here silly

Rena: Oh we'll are you gonna drive?

Mom: Yeah

We got into the car and we drove to the airport. I was so excited to see Bunny.

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