The Incident

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Authors note: Anna and Elsa's ages are going to be modified a bit in this part.

Third Person P.OV

"Elsie wake up!" Said a little girl who was  no more than three years of age as she struggled to climb on the bed. She had golden-brown hair and crystal-blue eyes. The other girl, who was around twelve with platinum-blonde hair and eyes that were identical to her sister's, yawned a bit before replying, "Lina, snowflake, it's the middle of the night go back to sleep."

Lina huffed as she dramatically flopped herself onto the blonde. "But I can't Elise! The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to pway!" "Then go play by yourself, or better yet, go see if Anna will play with you." Elsa said shoving her three year old sister off the bed. Lina landed on the ground with a little thud. She puffed up her cheeks in frustration.

The little princess glances around the room and her eyes land on a third bed where a nine year old girl with red hair was sleeping peacefully. Lina's eyes light up glee as her little legs hurry themselves over to the other girl's bed. "Anni! Anni! The sky's awake we have to pway!" Lina said practically jumping on to the redhead's bed.

Anna groaned a little at the feeling of her baby sister jumping up and down on her backside. "Lina, the sun isn't even up yet. We can go play once it is. Go back to bed." Anna said trying to go to sleep again hoping that Lina would get the hint and leave her alone. Lina sat there on top of her sister for a moment, obviously frustrated that neither of her sisters wanted to play with her. Until she got an idea.

She leaned over and whispered something in Anna's ear which caused the redhead to wake up immediately. "Now, I am totally all up for that idea!" Anna got down from her bed and helped Lina onto the floor.

" Come one Lina, lets go wake up Elsa. There's no way she can refuse the two of us together." The two girls giggle as they went over to their sister's bed. Lina struggled to climb on, so Anna lifted her up and placed her on top of Elsa.

"Elsie come on! We need to pway!" Lina exclaimed while jumping up and down on her oldest sister's bed. "For the last time Lina, we can all play when the sun out comes okay?" Elsa groaned attempting to ignore her baby sister.

"Come one Elsa." Anna chimed in as she held one hand on Lina's back to prevent her from falling. "It's no fun if  Lina and I are the only ones playing by ourselves. I agree one hundred percent. You also have to play with us. Two against one."

Elsa lazily opened her eyes as she saw her other sister staring at her with an eager look. "Not you too Anna." Elsa groaned looking at her younger sisters. "Els, it's not MY fault that our adorable baby sister asked for something that's impossible to resist." Anna laughed as she ruffled Lina's hair. "Oh, and what did our baby sister ask you Anna?" Elsa asked slightly amused as she began to sit up. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Lina said gleefully staring at her big sister's crystal blue eyes. At that moment, Elsa smiled. Now that was an idea she liked.

She got down from her bed and picked up Lina then placed her on the floor. The three sisters run down the staircase that leads into the ballroom. Anna and Elsa, of course, were trying to prevent their over-excited sister from making too much noise. "Do the magic, do the magic." Lina said excitedly. "Yeah come on Elsa, do the magic." Anna chimed in with equal excitement. Elsa smiled at her sisters, then begins to twirl her hands causing a magical snowball to appear. "You guys ready?" Elsa asks her two sisters. Anna and Lina nod their heads in excitement. Elsa throws the snowball into the air. It explodes and tiny little snowflakes begin to fall. "This is amazing!" Anna and Lina excitedly shout at the same time while Lina begins to run around in circles.

"Watch this." Elsa says to her sisters. She stomps her feet on the ground causing it to freeze over. The three sisters all hold hands as they begin to skate together. Elsa creates more snow and they begin to build a snowman. "Hi I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs." Elsa said using the snowman's stick hands. Lina immediately got off of Anna's lap to run over to the snowman and hug it. "I wove you Owaf!" The three sisters begin to skate with the snowman. Then, Lina sits in Elsa's lap as they slide down a snow mountain. Later, Anna begins jumping onto snow piles that Elsa was creating with Lina following in pursuit.

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