Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

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The next morning

Anna's P.O.V
I wake up in our bedroom and notice that neither of my sisters are there. Probably at breakfast, I assume while getting up and getting dressed.

I go downstairs and see my parents and sisters sitting at the table eating their meals. "Morning Mama, morning Papa, morning Elsa, morning Lina." I say sitting between my sisters and grabbing some food.

"Good morning Anna." Everyone replies in unison. As I eat my breakfast, I glance over at my sisters. Lina of course was starting up a little conversation that a typical three year old would, while Elsa seemed a bit nervous.

"Are you okay Elsa?" I ask my older sister. Elsa looks at me and smiles before replying, " Oh I'm alright Anna. It's nothing for you to worry about." I nod my head knowing that it was pointless to ask anymore questions, so I continue to eat my breakfast.

After we all finish eating, Papa looks over at me and says, "Anna, can you please take Lina outside to play  for a moment?  Your mother and I need to have a private conversation with Elsa."

I nod my head and grab my little sister's hand to take her outside.

"But I want to pway with Elsie too!" Lina whines as she and I begin to step into the snow.

"Don't worry Lina." I tell her wiping away a few of her tears, " l'm sure Elsa will play with us once she's done talking to Mama and Papa."

Lina sniffles a bit and nods her head. I can't stand to see my baby sister so upset, so I do the one thing that I know that'll make her happy. I pick up a bit of snow and place it her hands.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"

I ask in a sing-song voice.

At that moment, my three year old sister's crystal blue eyes light up.

"Yes I wanna build a snowman."

She answered in the same tune.

After about an hour, Lina and I were starting to get a little tired, and Elsa still hasn't come out yet. "When's Elsie coming Anni?" Lina asks growing a little frustrated.

"I don't know, but let's go see what's taking her so long." I reply bending over so I could give Lina a piggy back ride. She climbs on, and I carry her inside to our bedroom.

Upon arriving, we both immediately gasp at the sight before us. Elsa's bed was no longer there. I set Lina down and we both confusedly stare at the new arrangement.

Neither of us have noticed that Papa appeared in the doorway.

"I know that this looks like a lot to you girls, but your mother and I both agreed that this will be for the best." Papa tells us stepping into our room.

"Why isn't Elsa's bed here anymore?" I ask my father with a sad look.

Papa smiles at me before replying, " Well Anna, Elsa is now almost a teenager, and she, your mother and I all discussed that it was about time that she'd have her own space."

I nod my head understandingly. I mean, Elsa is practically a teenager now. I totally understand if she needs her own space.

"But it's not like we're sending your sister away." Papa chuckles, "the two of you are still able to see her." Papa then leaves the room.

I turn my head and notice that Lina is crying.

"Anni, I don't want Elsie to weave us." "No no no, It's ok baby. Elsa isn't going anywhere, she's just sleeping somewhere different that's all. We can still go see her." I say trying to calm her down.

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