Chapter 2
Kit Herodale was so nervous, he could't sleep.
The London institute was familiar to him, he'd been there once with the Blackthorns, with Ty and Livvy, where she was still alive...
Though he hadn't liked the old lady who ran it, he was truly sorry about her death, and he hoped there would be people his age.
He'd heard that a family runs it now, and that they were really kind and caring...he really hoped it was true.
The ghost he had seen, Jessamine, he hoped she was still the one who protected the institute and hoped he would see her again.
The hours went on, Kit was lying in his bed, making up scenarios in his head, imagining the people, the family and his live for that year he was apart of his family.
In his mind, it would be beautiful but he knew that it could turn out completely different.
Just for this night he pushed the thoughts aside.
He would meet the family tomorrow, he would know all he was asking himself by then.
Yawning and eyes fluttering, he fell asleep slowly.In the morning Mina walked into his room, and rattled him awake.
„Wake up- wake up," she said, his eyes suddenly opened.
„Did something happen?", he said, still tired as he slowly got off the bed.
„You go soon!", she shouted, and added „Come,".
„Okay, okay", he answered, laughing.
Kit let her drag him down the stairs, to the kitchen.
He already could hear Tessa arguing with Jem, :„Jem honey, Iron Man is the best avenger to exist!"
„Captain America is stronger, and way better looking than Iron Man."
Kit sat down and laughed softly.
„What do you think, Kit?" Tessa asked.
„Well Tony Stark is great but who's got America's best ass?", Kit asked everyone.
„Exactly!" Jem shouted in excitement, his hand on Kit's shoulder.
„You shut up, Brother Hauntingly Attractive!", Tessa said to Jem, laughing.
„Kit really mentioned it to you huh?", he was also laughing.
„Oh, he mentioned it three years ago, I just wanted to spare it for the right moment.", a triumphant grin was on her face.
All three of them laughed, Mina did too but she most likely couldn't fully understand yet what they were saying.
Suddenly Jem exclaimed, „Oh, I forgot about that! It's time to got, Kit.", he said.
„We'll have to say our goodbyes then, I suppose?", Kit said as an answer.
Tessa and Jem just nodded, tears gleaming in Tessa's big brown eyes.
She was the first one to go to Kit and hugged him tightly.
„I'll miss you.", she whispered into his ear.
„I'll miss you too, Tessa.", he whispered back.
It was true, he would miss her a lot, but he knew he would always have a home here, and that he's loved.
Jem was next up and also hugged Kit tightly and said, „You are loved Kit, remember that."
Kit nodded and smiled.
Then he knelt down to say his last goodbye to Mina.
„Don't you dare forget me, Min-Min.", he joked around and hugged her.
She just giggled and said, „Never!"
After that, he opened the door and said, „See you guys in a year! And no worries, you still have to endure me on the phone."
They smiled at him as he shot a last glance at them and got out of the door.A few hours later he got to the London Institute.
He drew a deep breath before he decided to walk in.
Noises were coming out of the hall, towards him, and then a boy walked up to him.
The boy looked around Kit's age, had brown messy hair and deep brown eyes.
He smiled as he walked towards Kit, „Hi! You must be Kit right?."
As Kit nodded the boy said, „My name is Peter, nice to meet you."
„Nice to meet you too, Peter.", he said, also smiling.
He seems nice, Kit thought.
„May I introduce you to my siblings?", Peter asked.
Kit simply nodded and followed Peter as he turned to walk into a room.
Since this was not his first time being in the Institute he immediately recognized the room.
He sat here with Ty, when Mark, Cristina, Emma and Julian rescued Kieran from faerie.
On this couch he now saw other people, four in particular.
„This is Sophia.", Peter said, pointing to a girl with beautiful black hair and green eyes.
She must be a year younger than himself he guessed.
„Violet.", he continued and pointed to a girl who was a lot younger, she had brown hair, like Peter and beautiful grey eyes.
Grey, like- no, stop thinking about him!, Kit corrected himself.
„Nathan.", he pointed at a boy who looked a bit older than Kit.
He was handsome, with beautiful white hair- Kit thought he dyed it- and these same brown, bottomless eyes Peter had.
Nathan waved at Kit, smiling.
„And last but not least, Sophia.", he said, and Kit now saw the baby wich sat on Nathan's lab.
She squeaked, her brown eyes sparkling.
„Nice to meet all of you guys.", Kit said and everyone answered in excitement.
Kit heard steps towards the room and then they were two figures at the door, a man and a woman.
„Kit?", the woman asked, „I am Harper Bellfeur and this is my husband Dylan Bellfeur."
„Nice to meet you, Misses Bellfeur, nice to meet you too Mister Bellfeur."
They smiled at him and Mister Bellfeur said, „Please call us by our first names, otherwise we always feel so old!"
„Okay.", Kit said and laughed.
„In a few days another boy will be arriving here, he is also attending his travel year.", Misses Bellfeur said and sounded really excited.
After they talked a bit they ate dinner, wich was delicious.
Kit had pretty much bonded with Peter and after dinner Peter showed him where Kit would live for the next year.
The room was across Peters room as Kit dropped his suitcases and backpacks in his room he realized that it was actually really pretty.
A bed stood in the middle of the room, a closet next to it on the wall.
It was simple but he liked it and was already excited to make this room his.
As Kit dropped his things they went out of the room, Peter explaining that the room next to Kit's will be the boy's room who will arrive in a few days.
„Wanna see my room?", Peter asked.
„Sure.", Kit said, happy that he found someone he liked at the institute.
Peter's room was messy, but Kit didn't mind.
Both sat down at Peter's bed, talking.
„Do you have siblings?"
„I have one sister, well, she is not blood related but I know her since she was born."
Peter nodded, „I understand. I love having four siblings but it's also very hard at times."
„I can imagine that very well.", Kit said, „Sometimes my sister Mina is too much for me."
They kept on talking for a few hours but then Kit went really tired and fell asleep on Peter's bed.
The next days went on, and Kit was still bonding with Peter.
The new boy should arrive that day so everyone got really nervous and Mister and Misses Bellfeur were the most excited of them all.
Kit helped to clean up the institute and already felt at home there- of course not like he did with Jem, Tessa and Mina, but he enjoyed being there and was happy that Peter and him were friends now.
Footsteps came across the hall and Misses and Mister Bellfeur already greeted the new boy as they stepped closer, so that they could introduce him to the rest of the family and Kit.
„Everybody,", the mother of the children said. „Oh don't be shy sweetheart, introduce yourself.", she encouraged the boy who stood in the shadows.
As he stept out of the shadows Kit's eyes widened in shook.
No, he thought, this can't be true, can't be real.
The boy looked older, more mature.
He was taller than the last time Kit saw him, told him he- no he couldn't think about this.
Kit couldn't stop himself from thinking, How beautiful.
The boy avoided eye contact and still hasn't seen Kit, as he said, „Hi, I am Tiberius Blackthorn."
Then Ty's gaze went up, still looking no one in the eyes and when he saw Kit, his eyes widened in shock.

Herondale's only love once-Kit and Ty
FantasyKit has a great live. He feels loved and well in his family consistent of Jem, Tessa and little Mina. When he meets Ty again old feelings come up... (Basically we all can't wait for twp so here is a bit Kit and Ty for all the hardcore shipers like...