𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 - Finding Out The Plan

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The Baudelaire orphans were shoved into their bedroom by the hook-handed man, grunting a little. "Get into your pajamas and say your prayers, unless you're atheists." He said. "You can't just keep us in here." Violet replied. "You know who always says that? Prisoners." The hook-handed man spat. "Listen to us. Count Olaf is-"

"No, no, no, no. You listen to me, little boy, and you listen to me very carefully. The only reason why Count Olaf hasn't torn you limb from limb is because he hasn't gotten a hold of your fortune. But you ask yourself this question, all of you...what reason would he have to keep you alive after he's gotten your money?" The Baudelaires looked around to see Veronica was nowhere. "And I see you all have noticed that the little brunette is missing..." The hook-handed man smirked. "What have you done with her?" Klaus growled. "The Count is giving her a little special treatment at the moment, so she'll be back soon." The hook-handed man replied, smirking. Klaus felt his blood boil at those words and Sunny felt scared for Veronica as she cuddled up to Violet. The henchman then proceeded to close the door after failing a few times. 

"This is terrible, terrible!" Klaus exclaimed. "Awful..." Violet sighed. "Ghastly." Sunny gurgled. A cry of pain could be heard throughout the house as the Baudelaire's could tell exactly what was happening. Sunny began to cry as Violet held her close. "Shh...it's okay, Sunny, she'll be okay..." Violet whispered. The Baudelaire's listened to more cries of pain from their friend for a few more moments. "What's gonna happen?" Violet asked her brother. "I don't know, but I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stay up all night with a book...and wait till Veronica gets back, someone needs to see if she's okay..." Klaus said as he pulled out a book from under her sweater. Violet smirked at her younger brother. "Alright, lover boy!~" She giggled. "Don't be ridiculous!" Klaus mumbled, blushing madly.

As the night began to rise, the Baudelaire orphans became more and more worried about Veronica Bella. Luckily, she came in but looked like a mess. Her eyes were red, still with tears, she had bruises all over her body and blood was dripping from her lip. "Hey..." She wheezed out. "Veronica!" Klaus exclaimed, getting up from the hammock. "Oh dear, you look bad..." Veronica rubbed her arm and her tears. "It's fine, just a couple of cuts...but that is besides the point, I know Olaf is planning something." Veronica said. "No, you're not helping until we get you patched up." Klaus replied. "Klaus, we can't. I'll look even worse if Olaf finds out..." Veronica whimpered. "Bu...okay, know anything about Nuptial Law?" Klaus asked. Veronica gave a small smile.

Veronica and Klaus were not reading for their enjoyment, but to try and rescue each other from a terrible predicament. The book was not at all interesting. The book was long and difficult. The two found themselves reading the same sentence over and over. By night's end, Klaus and Veronica had found all they needed to know. "There! That's it!" Veronica exclaimed. "You're a genius, Vera!" Klaus smiled. The brunette blushed a little as Klaus stood up. "Where are you going?" She asked. "To confront someone, care to join me?" Klaus replied, holding out his arm. Veronica chuckled and walked over, linking arms with Klaus. "Of course, I would be delighted." Veronica giggled. 


The two children's hopes rose with dawn but unfortunately, so did Count Olaf.

"You sure about this?" Veronica whispered to Klaus as they walked through the kitchen. "Don't worry, I'll be here." Klaus said. "I didn't mean about being safe, I mean are you sure this will stop him?" Veronica said with a giggle and a tint of blush. "O-Oh! Yeah, I'm sure it will be!" Klaus stuttered. The two then proceeded and sat down on the two chairs opposite from Count Olaf. The slam of the book that Klaus had dropped seemed to get Olaf's attention. "What are you doing here? You two are supposed to be in your room." He said. "Father, we was in our room all night and me and Klaus know what you're up to." Veronica scowled. "Me? I'm just having my morning coffee, although I can't seem to find the sugar bowl..." Olaf said. Veronica became concerned when hearing the last two words, it somehow seemed familiar to her. "The only nuptial requirements are a statement of active acquiescence by both participants, utilising in loco parentis if necessary, and the signing of an explanatory document in the bride's own hand." Klaus read from the book, completely ignoring what Olaf had said. 

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