𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕 - Proving and The Labyrinth

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Veronica looked to Klaus, wondering what on earth Olaf was trying to do and saw him hit his arm and a crack of a radio came from it. "What the hell are you up to?" She whispered to herself and that's when the front door opened. It wasn't the authorities that Mr Poe had called, instead, it was the dastardly troupe and henchmen of Count Olaf. "Mobile Crime Lab." The hook-handed man said, showing the fake badge. "At your service." The bald-headed man said. "We always get our man." The pale-faced twins said. "Or snake." One of them added. "These are Count Olaf's accomplices." Violet argued. "And they're all wearing some ridiculous costumes." Veronica said, additionally, as the troupe gave her snide looks. "No, children, these are adults. Adult's don't wear costumes unless it's for a charity ball, or they happen to be employed as actors." Mr Poe reasoned. "They are employed as actors." Klaus said through gritted teeth but no one listened to him and the hook-handed man only took things to action.

"You two, create a perimeter. No one goes in or out of the house until the reptile is caught." He commanded, pointing his fake hand towards the pale-faced twins. "You two, get that body in the van and back to the ME for some TLC before it's DOA." He ordered. Nurse Lucafont only stared at him with a emotionless look. "But you said no one could leave the house." He stated in confusion. "I mean, uh...no one except you!" Nurse Lucafont suddenly understood and rushed into the Reptile Room. "Mr Poe? Don't you recognise him? That's the hook-handed man, he broke your typewriter!" Veronica exclaimed. "Oh, Veronica, you must be mistaken. That man has hands instead of hooks. Don't be delusional." Mr Poe replied, causing the young brunette to face-palm. "But those two women were in Count Olaf's play!" Violet added to try and see reason. "Oh, children, it's rude to question police authority." Mr Poe stated. "Besides, the women in that play had ghastly theatrical makeup on their faces." Stephano gave a agitated look towards that comment. The hook-handed man came out with a can of peaches in his fake hands and Veronica tightened her fist in large anger. "That's Uncle Monty's food! Stop eating his food!" Klaus shouted. "I was only gonna have a few peaches..." The hook-handed man mumbled.

"The children lost their uncle today. I'm sure you can understand. Violet, Klaus, Sunny, Veronica, why don't you wait upstairs? The adults will take care of it from here." Mr Poe said. "But Mr Poe-" Klaus tried to reason. "The adults will take care of it from here." Mr Poe repeated. Veronica gave a glare towards him and turned her back to him. "Come on, Baudelaires, the adult's won't take care of anything but we for sure will!" She growled and stomped her way up the stairs, the Baudelaires trudging along behind. The four orphans looked down to the pier, as they made their way up the stairs, and watched Monty's body getting carried out of the home he loved. Veronica's rage was taken over by small sadness and snatched her view away from the corpse. "We know The Incredibly Deadly Viper didn't kill Uncle Monty." Violet stated as they entered the bedroom. "And we know that Count Olaf did." Klaus added. "And Mr Poe won't believe..well, not without evidence and proof..." Veronica said. "Nurse Lucafont may be a fake nurse, but Uncle Monty had two bite marks like a snake would make. I saw them this morning." Klaus stated as he remembered back to the tragic body that he, his sisters and Veronica found that morning. "And, I saw the Incredibly Deadly Viper this morning too. I saw it in's cage, so Olaf must've set it loose once we were in the parlour." Veronica added. 

"Or worse..." Klaus muttered. "This is terrible." Sunny babbled. Veronica faced the small infant and gave a sad smile towards her, which she got one back. "It's okay, Sunny, I know that the two of you bonded over biting and were very close." She said. "If we could find the snake..." Klaus chipped in to the small, happy moment. "If we could find out how Monty really died..." Violet caught on. "We could prove that the viper is innocent and Olaf isn't, to then putting him in jail." Veronica stated, trying not to break down. "We wouldn't have to go to Peru." Violet said. "If we'd found proof earlier, we could've saved Uncle Monty." Klaus mumbled in sorrow. "If we'd found proof earlier, I could've got some answers out of him." Veronica said. The Baudelaires looked at her in confusion from the word, 'answers.' It made them feel worried for their friend. "W-What answers?" Klaus asked in concern for the girl. The Bella brunette reached in her dress pocket and pulled out the small photo that she was gifted with from the parlour, that very tragic morning. "What is that?" Violet asked.

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