𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑 - The Answers

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Veronica immediately rushed downstairs towards the library. She didn't know how much time she had before the Baudelaires came back, possibly with Captain Sham or if the troupe were coming after her. She knew the time to find out the answers was now. Veronica pushed the bookcase aside and put back in the secret code into the lock. The safe door opened and she put aside all of the stuff about Aunt Josephine and took out the book of The Bella Family. 

Veronica stared at it with nervousness in her eyes

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Veronica stared at it with nervousness in her eyes. She was excited but also scared over how she will now find out about her family, get back all those memories she had as a baby before that Count took her away and ripped her off her happiness. The brunette sat down on the small couch, opening a small notebook that she took from her jacket pocket along with a pencil. She knew that if something were to happen to the book she most likely wouldn't be able to see it again. With that, Veronica decided to write down all the stuff about her parents and the people in the small photo, just in case she ever needed it for something. She began to flip a page to where she was given an index of each chapter. She followed the index to the first chapter which read, "Arthur and Kate".

Veronica took notice of the picture of the woman and man standing side by side with warm smiles on their faces. Small tears began to well up in her eyes, the longer she stared at it. "Mom...Dad..." She whimpered. All she could think of was of the grief, she barely remembered her parents and her last memories of them was them burning up in a fire. If there was a chance, Veronica would go back and try and see if she could stop the fire from happening but the girl knew it would never be possible in a lifetime. They were gone and that was that. Veronica wiped her tears and read through what was written of her father and mother.

"Arthur Bella was a man full of pride within V.F.D and among others. There was never a dull moment with him around, Arthur knew how to bring a smile upon peoples faces. Arthur was full of quite the smarts within the subject of literature. He would always quote stuff from books he had read, just like Lemony Snicket." Veronica raised an eyebrow at that. Who's Lemony? She shook her head and kept reading. "Arthur knew how to weasel his way out of things and yet, still manage to maintain a innocent reputation among his friends. His most common associates were Beatrice, Lemony, Kit and Esme. As well as this, he also managed to catch the heart of the jaw-dropping Kate Avery, or now known as Kate Bella, his wife." Veronica smiled at that, she knew she clearly got her love of reading and writing from her father. "Kate Bella was perfect beyond all standards, or was she? Kate grew up around music and theatre and once grown up, became the melody maker for operas, musicals, and more. She created more than 200 tunes and became well-known for it. She also organised music for the masked balls that were held at V.F.D." Veronica smiled at how innocent her mother sounded but that changed after the second part. "Kate did seem innocent and sweet but get on her bad side, and you'll wish you had a shield to protect yourself. She is strong, well-combated and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. There were occasions where Kate would get into a few fights, and when we say fights, we mean physical. A word of advice to members, don't mess around with Kate." Veronica chuckled at the last words, she could see where she gets her determination from. 

The brunette began to flip more pages until she landed on a page. That page had the exact same picture that Uncle Monty gave her. She held it up to see if it matched and it did. This was the answers she needed, the ones Uncle Monty would've told her. Veronica, once again, began to read it.

"Sir Reginald Hargreeves travelled to the United States and purchased the D.S. Umbrella Manufacturing Company from its owner J. King. From 1950s to 1960s, he contributed to the advancement of space technology as the space race between the USA and USSR was underway. As well as this, he was involved in the Majestic 12 but broke ties with them after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy." Veronica became confused at who this man was, who was he and what did he have with her family? "On top of this, with family connections, he is known to be the elder adoptive brother-in-law to Arthur Bella, a adventurer known to quote books all the time." She had an uncle? That she knew nothing about? "He then went on in the life to become an explorer, eccentric billionaire and the head of the Umbrella Company. From the time of the 1st of October 1989, he adopted seven children out of the forty-three children born by forty-three women. He adopted them in hopes of training a team to defend them against the forces of the world that would befall the world." Veronica looked closer at the picture at all the children, were they her cousins? What also stumbled her was that there was only six children in the portrait when the information claims of him adopting seven children.

" Veronica looked closer at the picture at all the children, were they her cousins? What also stumbled her was that there was only six children in the portrait when the information claims of him adopting seven children

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Just as Veronica was about to start to read of who her cousins were, the door opened and she rushed to put her notebook in her jacket pocket along with her pencil

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Just as Veronica was about to start to read of who her cousins were, the door opened and she rushed to put her notebook in her jacket pocket along with her pencil. She put the stuff away and shut the safe, just as footsteps made their way into the room. To her relief, it was just the Baudelaires. "How did it go?" She asked. "Mr Poe is signing paperwork with Count Olaf, we need to hurry and decipher this note to see what Aunt Josephine is really talking about." Klaus said in a lisp. "What happened to your speech?" She asked. "Peppermints." Sunny babbled. Violet said she'd take her and Sunny up for soda baths for their hives whilst she and Veronica were to get to work on the note. The brunette nodded in reply as she went to go and help Klaus. "So did you find out what you wanted to know?" The glassy-eyed boy asked her. Veronica only took one look at him and then to her pocket where her notes stayed.

"Let's just say, it's more than enough for me."

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