Chapter 4

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The next day, Mason left the children with his friend and walked up to the café door. He saw Katelynn laugh through the window and stopped to admire her for a while. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel anything for her. He stepped in with a frown and sat opposite her, causing her to jump. A little girl smiled at him, showing her missing big tooth.

"Mummy, is he my daddy?"

"Yeah, I am," Mason blurted.

"Daddy, Mummy said you were working on a huge project. She said that's why you didn't come to Daddy day last time." Mason looked up at Katelynn who was staring at him. She blushed and looked away.

"Yeah, I was. But I'm back now."

"Can you teach me how to ride a bike? Nina said her daddy taught her."

"I could do that. Has Mummy ordered any food yet?"

"Aunt Jillian went to go and get it. There she is!" His daughter pointed at a woman who was carrying a tray of food. "Mummy, I need to go tinkle."

"Jillian, can you take Mariah, please?" They both walked away and Mason groaned. "You didn't even ask for her name..."

"Look, you just broke me and my girlfriend up! You come into my life and act like you own it!" Katelynn began to cough. "You can't do that. You can't just randomly say that a random girl is mine! She's not, okay? You probably opened up your legs to some random person. Now I have deal with a dying bitch who can't even stop coughing." Mason stood up and marched off. Mariah ran after him.

"Daddy! Don't go! You said you won't go!"

"I'm not your fucking Daddy!" Katelynn dropped onto the floor, coughing up a pool of blood. Mason was already gone, leaving a crying Mariah behind. Jillian quickly called the ambulance and straightened Katelynn up.

// Here you go my lovely readers! Hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you for reading :) Leave your comments on what you think Mason is like. Till next time

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