Chapter 6

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Katelynn smiled at her sad daughter. Mariah sat beside her and Katelynn put an arm around her.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Mary. Daddy was upset with me so he was a bit angry. It was my fault-"

"No. It wasn't Mummy's fault, Mariah. It was all mine. Daddy's sorry, okay? I didn't mean to shout at you. I'm sorry." Mason picked Mariah up and hugged her. He closed his eyes tight, hoping she would forgive him. "Daddy's sorry." He kissed her cheek before sitting down with her on the seat. Jillian came in and took Mariah to eat. Mason stared at the floor as he spoke.

"I know sorry isn't enough for all the hurt I caused you with my words these last two days. And then over the last six years...I...I don't know how you did it. I really am sorry, Katy. Again, it's not enough. I'll make it up to you, I promise. And I just wanna say that six years ago-"


This is how I show my love.

I made it in my mind because

I blame it on my A.D.D baby.

This is how an angel cries-

"Sorry," Mason muttered as he took out his phone. Samantha. "As I was saying-"


This is how I show-

"Just pick it up."

"I'm sorry. I'll be back in a minute." He walked outside and answered. Katelynn watched him go and smiled. He was slowly coming back into her life. 

"Baby, I miss you," she whined.

"What is it Samantha?" he demanded, eager to go back into the room.

"Come back. I will show you good time." Mason laughed at her desperation. He looked through the window to Katelynn's room and smiled.

"Sorry. I found someone much better. She's the best of the best. Even better. She needs me now, so I gotta go. Bye." Mason walked into the room and sat down on the seat again.

"I'm sorry I ruined your relationship."

"There was nothing there for you to ruin. Forget about everything I said, okay? This is a new beginning." Katelynn lay down and turned to her side.

"I'll do the chemo. But you have to come with me. Jillian has to go back to her kids." Mason nodded his head. "Can you give me the blanket, please?" Mason saw the blanket over her foot and covered her whole body. He leaned down and quickly gave her a kiss on the temple. She held his hand kissed it. It's something she always did. "You're not a bad guy, Masey."

"I told you not to call me that," he groaned. Katelynn let her lips linger on their entwined hands as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. An hour went by and his back started to hurt. With a smirk, he reached for the remote and lifted up the bed until he was able to rest his head on her pillow. Jillian and Mariah walked in at that moment. 

"Mason, leave my bed alone." Mason nervously laughed and looked at Katelynn. 

"Sorry. When did you wake up?" 

"Just now. I'm a light sleeper so I just felt that." Katelynn groaned as she sat up, still holding onto Mason's hand. "Sorry, can you give me a glass of water?" 

"Urm...I need my hand." Katelynn let go of his hand and he poured her a glass of water. He stood by with the jug and poured her another two glasses. Should have known, he thought. "Always was a thirsty one, wasn't you?" he said as he poured another glass. 

"Shh. Mariah, come here." Mariah jumped onto the bed and giggled. 

"She's beautiful. Got it from you. You named her after my mother..." he said softly. He looked up with teary eyes and found Katelynn smiling at him. He kissed the top of her head and smiled, his eyes still filled with water. "Thank you." 

"You always did say our first daughter should be named after your mother." 

"Thank you," he said again. 

"Jillian, can you take my card and pay the hotel, please? They have that everyday payment thing and we didn't pay them yesterday." 

"You're staying in a hotel?" he asked as Jillian looked through Katelynn's jacket. 

"I don't live round here. Only came here for you."

"Stay in my house," he blurted. "I have an extra room where my nephew and niece stay and they are going in two days. You and Mariah can stay there. Jillian is going back to her kids. And if she needs to stay for a couple of days, then I'll sleep on the sofa. I'm not gonna let you guys spend extra money when you can save it."

"Mason, I can't...I already put Mariah on you...I can't-"

"I'm telling you to. And plus, I get to spend time with my beautiful, beautiful daughter," he said he picked up Mariah. She giggled and then smiled at her mum. "Isn't that right, Mariah?" She eagarly nodded her head.

"She looks like you...She has your pineapple juice addiction."

"She does? Well I have plenty at home." He looked up at Katelynn and smiled. "You coming home today or do you have to stay today?"

"Yeah. I'm leaving in a bit. Just need to speak to the doctors."

///Hope you enjoyed that! Tell me what you think

Hope to see you next week :)

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