Chapter 12

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"So what you're telling me is that I'm cleared?"

"Yes. We were very lucky to have spotted it on time and it didn't take long to cure. You will have to come back here and there to make sure it hasn't come back. Congratulations, Katelynn."

Katelynn phoned Mason but then hung up when he answered. She remebered them screaming all week and the mornings she woke up to an empty bed. Mason called back and paced in his small office.


"Katelynn...Katy, I'm sorry for arguing with you. You're right, I shouldn't go for the promotion. You and Mariah need me more than I want the extra money. I'll barely be able to see you then."

"I got good news for you."

"That's weird. I got good news for you too." Mason chuckled and then picked up his bag. "I'm leaving work now. Shall we go out for dinner?"

"No. Too tired. How about we stay in?"

"Take out or make?"

"Make. Mariah wanted to stay at Astrid's house. Wanted to play with Khole."

"Gives us time alone. I think that's what we need now. From your chemo and me working and our arguing, I really think we need an evening together." A few seconds went by in silence. "I love you, Katelynn. These three years with you and Mariah have been the best. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. Hey, I'm gonna start driving now. So what shall we make? I need to know if we need anything."

"Salmon! I really want seafood. And prawns. Please? Orange juice. We need milk for the house." Mason quickly picked up the pen and started to write on his hand. "We need some body wash too. The one for Mariah. Urm, I need some pads. I might be coming on soon." Mason's smile dropped. He was hoping she would be pregnant. The list continued and his hand was covered. As he drove back home, he realised how stupid he was. He couldn't make Katelynn pregnant.

"Well I can..." he said outloud.

"But she's still doing chemo..."

"True...Guess I have to wait..."

"This is so stupid! Why am I talking to myself?" Mason parked in front of their new house. They only moved in two months ago to get closer to Mariah's school and his work place. He carried all the important shopping in his hand and opened the door to the house. He put them in the fridge and grinned when he saw Katelynn in the doorway. Her hair was still growing back. Until he met her, he never really saw black coloured girls with normal hair. Only later on did he find out that's how her mother''s hair was too. He sneaked his arms around her waist and kissed her. Katelynn pulled away and smiled at him.

"You seem extra happy. You don't usually kiss me like that when you come home."

"A problem?"

"Yeah...I never know where my mind is after that."

"Yeah? Which book did you get that from?"

"The one I just finished." They kissed again and then Mason went to go and get changed. When he came down, he found the rest of the shopping in the house. His keys were not on the kitchen table anymore. "Candles? Nice."

"I thought since we are having it inside and make it more romantic. The news I have for you is so good."

"I bet I can beat yours. No one can beat mine."

 After an hour, Mason told Katelynn to go and have a shower and she didn't mind. He quickly lay the table and then lit the candles. Taking the bottle of wine out, he put it in the bucket of ice in the centre of the table. Taking a step back, he admired his work and then scattered the petals on the floor. He heard Katelynn come down the stairs and then bent down on one knee.


"Katelynn...There are no words to describe you. I just...I've made many mistakes in my past life and leaving you was the biggest. I know we are already married but I want you to be proud of your wedding. I heard you talking on the phone and you didn't have much to say. I want to be able to remember our wedding day. I actually don't. I know I should have done this after dinner, but I would have been too lazy to do this. Will you-"


"I was gonna ask if you were gonna make me a sandwich." Mason chuckled and stood up. "I love you," he softly whispered. They both sat down and ate while making conversation. Most of the time, they ate in silence. Comfortable silence.

"Mason...It's time for my news." Mason grinned and then put the empty plates to one side. "The treatment is done! I have to go now and then but NED!"

Mason sat quietly for a few seconds as tears burned the back of his eyes. "Don't lie to me, Katy. Don't you dare lie to me..."

"I'm not."

"Katelynn, I mean it...Don't you lie to me..." After Katelynn sat there grinning, Mason knocked back his chair and engulfed her into a hug. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and sighed. "Thank you, God. Oh God, thank you!"

"I got something else for you..."

"Surely this is enough."

"I want to have a baby, Mason. I know I said I wasn't ready and all this chemo was going on, but I wanna have a baby before anything happens."

"Yeah?" Mason grinned and kissed her. "How about you go to sleep now? You look tired."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Just a little." Mason pecked her lips and then let her go. "Go to sleep. I'll join you in a bit- actually, I'll do the dishes in the morning."

////Awwww, so she is cleared and they are engaged!! (Again) 

But anywhooooo, hope you enjoyed it and hopefully see you all next week :) 

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