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"Mason, can we swap sides?" Mason groaned and rolled over so Katelynn could crawl over him. Another five minutes went by and Katelynn asked again.

"Katelynn, I thought this would stop after Axel was born. I'm not swapping sides now. Just fucking stay there."

"But I'm not comfortable on this side either."

"Not my fault."

"Try having stitches down there and be comfortable. God!" Mason ignored her and closed his eyes again. He felt Katelynn put her leg over his and sighed.

"Can you just pick a place?" Katelynn shifted again. She shuffled around during the night. After it turned three, Mason started to feel bad. "Katelynn?"


"Do you still wanna swap sides?" Katelynn rolled to face him and put her leg over his. He held her leg in place and moved closer. "Comfortable like this?"


"Go to sleep now. If Axel wakes up, then I'm here." Katelynn gave him a kiss on his cheek and smiled. "Don't smile at me. It's your turn the next two days."

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"I'm kidding. You're just lucky you married me."

"Yeah. So lucky," she said sarcastically. Mason poked her arm and she giggled. "But I'm serious. I am lucky to have you. Thank you for giving me Mariah and Axel."

"It's quite fun to do, might I say."

"Oi! I love you, though," she whispered.

"Yeah? That's nice to know."

"These four years have been the best. Don't leave me, Mason."

"I love you, Katelynn. I'm not leaving. This is my house."

"You're such a jerk, you know that?"

"I know. That's why you love me so much."

"I was thinking of inviting your mum. Hear me out, okay? She has been trying and I know she wants to be in Mariah's and Axel's life. Can we invite her?" Mason sighed.

"Do whatever you want. It seems like I don't get a say in anything nowadays." Axel started crying so Mason carefully pushed Katelynn's leg away. He then walked over to the other side if the room where the cot was.

"Mason, don't get mad. Look, I'm trying to move on from your mother's acts and so is she. She is trying."

"Well if you saying your moving forward all the fucking time, then why did you come back four years ago? Is that how you move forward? By moving back?" Mason put Axel back to sleep and put him back in the cot. Katelynn turned around and faced the wall. Mason crawled on top of her. "I'm sorry..."

"Can you just get off me? You are hurting me." Mason lay beside her and kissed her shoulder. "Don't touch me."

"I'm sorry. It wasn't meant to come out like that, I promise. I'll make you breakfast tomorrow..."

"Just go. No wait, I'm sorry. I just...Just don't touch me."

"I said I was sorry..." Mason said as he put his arm around her waist. "I'll do the dishes..." He put his head over hers and kissed her temple. "I'll change all the nappies this week. And I will do the night routine."

"Mason, what are you doing?"

"Saying sorry." A few quiet seconds went by. "Is it working?" Katelynn laughed and turned to face him. "I'm sorry."

"You should be. But you know you actually have to do all those things now, right?"

"Oh, shit! Really?"

"Oh yes. You're not going back to work soon, anyways." Mason grumbled a few words and then said, "Fine. But only because I love you so, so, so, so, so, so, so much." Katelynn laughed at his childish face and moved her head closer to him.

"I'm tired. Shut up and go to sleep."

"I'll call my mother. I'll settle things with her. This is for us, Katy. This is such a great start of our new story. You getting cleared. Us having Axel and Mariah in our lives. Everything is slowly coming together. This is us. I'm not scared of it anymore. I couldn't be prouder."

///And that my lovely readers, is the end. Thank you so much for reading the short story!! Love you all so much :) Thank you once again for reading and voting 

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