Chapter 16

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"Katelynn, I'm home!"

"Mason! I'm in the kitchen! My water broke!"

"What?! You're a month early!" he screamed as he dialled for the ambulance. He tried to help Katelynn off the floor but she couldn't move. The paramedics barged into the house and frantically spoke over each other.

"Did you both plan a homebirth?"

"No...Oh my God, is she having the baby here?! In our kitchen?!"

"Afraid so. I can already feel the baby's head. I need you to get something for her back- so she's more comfortable." Mason rushed out and back in, carrying a large pillow.

"Okay, Katelynn, I need you to give me one large push. Your baby boy is nearly here." Katelynn screamed as she gave one last push. Mason cringed when he felt Katelynn's nails dig in his flesh. "One more. Just a little one...Little bit more-"


Katelynn slumped against the fridge as she heard her baby cry. "We need to get you to the hospital. And here you are, your little boy."

Katelynn was barely able to lift her arm so Mason took the baby. "Hello Axel."

Once at the hospital, Katelynn was attended to and they checked over the baby. Katelynn finally got to hold Axel.

"Our little boy...Thank you, Mason."

"I should thank you."

"You didn't leave this time. You stayed and that means a lot. I couldn't have done it without you."

"I told you I wasn't going to leave. Isn't he beautiful? He got your eyes. Your nose. My mouth."

"Yeah. Where's Mariah? She wanted to hold her little brother."

"Mum! Did you pick my name?!"

Mariah ran in and sat on Mason's lap. "Say hello to Axel, Mary."

"Mummy, is he my birthday present? That would be nice!"

"Yeah? You're gonna be a big girl. If you want, Axel can be your present. Do you want that?" Katelynn asked as the nurse took Axel and put him in the cot.

"Should have told me before. Would have saved a lot of money," Mason muttered. Katelynn gave him a look and he put his hands up in surrender. "I love you too, babe."

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