15. Shiver me Timbers!

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"Whoah..whoah..whoah, who do we have here?, If it ain't the teachers' maggot of a pet"

"Hi..i..i", I said, trembling more than I did, when the soldier caught us.

"Well, well, well, what has brought the little baby lamb in the midst of wolves?", Osmosis asked, still sitting with a smirk registered on his face.


"Oh, c'mon, I didn't tell you that I want to learn prepositions, did I?, start talking or "I" and "we" will be the last things you would ever say", Osmosis interrupted.

I had to strongly resist the urge of correcting him that those are pronouns and not prepositions, as you know, survival instinct always has the best of you when you need it.

I also considered shouting out for help, but that would be useless since he hasn't touched me yet.

"We...we were caught trespassing", I finally managed to say.

"What?!?, can you say that again, bro?", he said with a "devilish innocence", chuckling.

"We were caught trespassing", I repeated.

"Oh, my, how the tables have turned"

I had to resist the urge again to correct him that the figurative expression doesn't fit in there, survival instinct to the rescue again.

"Do you know him?"

For the first time since I entered, I was just noticing the presence of the other inmate. And from the looks, the person Osmosis fought with, as they both had bruises and koboko marks, and for the boy to have asked him a question showed that they had settled their scores, well, which was a pretty bad news for me in this situation if they both happen to join forces.

"Yeah, the teacher's pet in the school", Osmosis spat in disdain.

"So, where exactly were you trespassing?, female hostel?", the other inmate asked, this time directing the question at me.

The question took my mind back to what happened to me then.

"Noo, the forest reserve", I answered, gradually getting emboldened by the minute.

"You said "we", who and who?", Osmosis asked, still sitting with his legs folded up.

"Six, we were six, Temi, Jenny, I and three other people that you won't know"

"What were you guys doing there", the other guy asked, looking at Osmosis, probably to affirm whether he was thinking the same thing he was, Osmosis smiled back knowingly.

"We wanted to explore the forest but when we realised that there was nothing there to explore, we wanted to play a game before the soldier caught us"

"Ooh, that's my boy right there, the "biological doctor"", Osmosis said, sarcastically.

"So, you guys scaled the fence?", the other guy asked.

"Ye..no..ye.. not really, there was a broken down fence", I replied, strangely feeling at ease by the minute.

It was then that I noticed that Osmosis had stood up and he walked up to me. All the boldness building up dissipated faster than a bulblight can go off.

"Give you five reasons why I shouldn't squash like a maggot that you are?", Osmosis asked, breathing heavily into my ears.

I guess that's the part where I ask him to tell my mom that I love her, it wasn't like in the movies that the protagonist makes one witty reply, makes a smart move and overpowers the antagonist, this here was real life.

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