13. Well, Fate Turned out to be a Soldier

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"So, remind me, why exactly do you want to go explore some forest?", Hillary asked, posing the question to the girls, seemingly not pleased with the whole arrangement.

"Coz it's fun naah", Thelma replied him.

"You guys should have gone on your own and have fun without inviting us", Lasisi, Thelma's elder brother chipped in.

"You want us ladies to go into the forest alone, c'mon, thought you guys are gentlemen", Temi was the one talking this time.

Jenny and I were the only ones not talking, we were just smiling to what they were saying.

"So what exactly would we be doing there", Hillary asked again.

"Exploring nii", Temi replied

"Exploring, what exactly are we exploring?", Hillary asked the third time.

"I don't know yet, when we get there, we'll know"

"Are you saying you guys brought us out her...."

As we approached the broken down fence, how my mind zapped back to my J.S.S1 orientation, I can't explain:

"Truancy is highly prohibitus. Scaling the fence, an act in which the perpetrator doesn't deserve to live in a civilized society. It's only an idiota that doesn't know that the fence is meant to create a boundary and not to serve as a high jump pole. If you want to cross over and your reasons are genuine, why not use the gate?. You see those fences, be you a boarder or day student, let that fence be a locum sacrum for you. If I catch you thinking of climbing it, just thinking, I'll expel you that instance and trust me, you won't be getting your school fees and registration fees ba...."

"Here we are, guys", Temi announced, breaking into my thoughts, drawing me back to reality

The wall looked like something dilapidated by the elements, you know; rain water and heavy sunshine. The fence looked crispy an...

Sorry for stopping, guys, I'm hungry for some crackers.
Train waiter, get me some, please.

I wondered how the forest reserve management coped with having a school being situated near it. I heard that there was looming case suit against the school on the issue of the students trespassing, stealing fruits and defecating there.

It made me wonder if they were really bothered or just wanted the compensation from the lawsuit if won, coz if they were really bothered, they would have noticed that there is a dilapidated fence and also, would have built up a higher fence and probably barbed it too.

All these thoughts roomed my mind as Temi took the last snoop to make sure nobody was in sight as we crossed over briskly.

You are not scaling the fence, you are just walking over it

I justified myself as I crossed over.

"So,we are here, guys. What now?", Hillary asked, looking at Temi inquisitively. I could sure point out one thing; Hillary was a social bee, the way he was talking with people he just met now proved it.

"Let's start exploring", Temi replied, smiling, still trying to appear enthusiastic. From the looks of her face, I could read her thoughts saying, "what was I thinking when I decided to explore a forest, what's here to explore, it's not like we are going treasure hunting"

"What's here to explore what; the trees?, the insects?, coz I see nothing else here" Lasisi shot in.

"Emm...eem..", Temi was sure having a hard time coming up with a reply.

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