19. The Hunger Games: May the Odds be "Miss Everly" in Your Favour

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Did they save the best for last?, well, they did. As much as I would love to barge into the story, I won't, without our daily dose of creative start--talk of young habits growing grey hairs.

Churchill Winston once said, "Life is like a suya. Sweet to the eyes. Sweet on the tongue. It is so sweet that you continue reading this quote without realising that I don't know what in the heavens, a suya is!".

Let's go one more, shall we?

There are two things that are the heart desires of every Wattpad reader.

The first one is most important, while the second would be considered the less.

The first one is the ability to go through chapters without those annoying video ads playing up.

You weren't expecting that, were you? But since when did most humans start getting their priorities right?

Just kidding, the second is the most important--well, depends on who you ask though, I don't think those that have watched every single "Cinderella Story" movies would agree with me on that.

You know what?, we will get to that at the end of the trilogy.

The "Hunger Games" in the timetable actually meant something close to "Hunger Games". I suppose you are familiar with the popular Hunger Games trilogy, you should know either the movies(which actually has four parts) or the books...or both like me.

It happened that Tencent Games heard of the Tourist programme that would take place in Nigeria and decided to utilise the opportunity. They sponsored the programme.

And I think they also bought the rights to adapt the name and some similar activities of "The Hunger Games" to a game show from Lionsgate Entertainment.

The shows were to be broadcasted on popular cable televisions in Nigeria and beyond. The event was to be recorded live using drones.

Also, no prize was mentioned earlier for the winners. It was treated as an activity. Probably why some people were shipping others instead of themselves.

The time in different tourist locations would be different so as to enable the cable televisions display as many as those they could. Some tourist centres did theirs on Monday(all in the last week of our stay) while some took a different day or the same day but different times. Tencent Games were probably aiming at the revenue, this would generate for them.

The cow mooed, the fowl crowed, don't be fooled...I'm just tired of typing. The upshot was that our tourist centre got ours to be conducted on the last Saturday before the Sunday we departed for home...home, sweet home.

Each hostel members were to submit names of their favorite candidate(which could be themselves) and the hostel porters(soldiers) of those hostels would draw randomly two names from the entries. You could only make one entry.

I submitted Akindele's name, not that I felt he would do well. I just wanted to have me a little laugh.

But well, how does that saying go; "When you are pointing a finger at someone, the other four are pointing at you".

When I checked the list of number of entries allocated to a candidate, my name got entered like seventeen times. My roommates including Akindele all entered my name and other people that I don't know.

It happened that my little tattletaling garnered me, some good amount of popularity amongst those in my hostel. Though I couldn't figure out why they entered my name being that nature of the event was largely unknown.

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