Oh... Well in this I hav forgotten to update you on my life.. Well the no harm streak has come to an end... Sorry, but I couldn't help it.. It was either that or continue to have anxiety attacks... But I feel soo much better now.. I really need some help cause I'm pretty sure that's not normal.. I hadn't done that for a few weeks after that tho.. So a few weeks down.. I promised I'd stop but... That's the only promise I break.. At least Ik people care... I don't feel cared for tho... Or loved.. Just unwanted. Oh well I hope you guys at least like my poems.. All my feelings are buried within those words.. I hope everyone is doing great always nice others are happy... And despite what I say.. Love is worth fighting for... But remember in every war won, they didn't win without a few soldiers getting hurt or killed so be careful. ~@ng3!