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Maybe I'm selfish
That what I could be
Cause I always want you
Right beside me

Maybe I'm selfish
Cause I wanna be happy
With you I am
Sorry it's sappy

Call it selfish
Cause I want you to be mine
Keep you forever
But take your time

Babe, it's not enough
It's Just a kiss goodbye
I want to be looked at
And not told a lie

Maybe you're selfish.
I just want one thing
Tell me I'm beautiful
It'll be like angels sing

You never say it
That you care
Am I the selfish one?
You just stare

The kisses you give
Just isn't it
Tell me your feelings
Don't just let it sit

We want what we want
Everyone's selfish
Fall in love with me
That's what I wish...
                                   ~@ng3! 2017

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