Chapter 1

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• Kylie's POV •

I woke up to people smacking me with pillows and screaming.

"I swear, hit me one more time and you won't have a hand. BOTH OF YOU!" I screamed and jumped our of bed, tackling Jocelyn and Lauren to the floor. I got a hold of the pillows and started smacking them. We did this for about a good 20 minutes until my alarm went of.

All of us in unison screamed "ITS TIME, AHHHH!" We quickly got up and headed our own way.

I hopped in the shower for a quick rinse. As soon as I finished, I wrapped myself up in a towel and blow dried my hair until it was straight and smooth. I did my so called daily make up - powder, concealer here&there, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and tinted lip gloss. As soon as I am done touching up to a point where I feel like I look decent, I get dressed.

I grab my phone, portable charger, gum, and a roll on perfume stick, and stuck it in my purse. I headed down stairs and see that everyone is already eating.

"Did you people save anything for me?" I giggled and hugged my 'mom'.

"Good morning, can you pass me the waffles please?" She nods her head and hands me a plate with two waffles, a banana, and hands me a glass of water.

"So, are you guys ready?" I asked as a walked towards the table.

"So ready. I wanna hug Matt already oh my." Lauren said looking very anxious. Jocelyn on the other hand was stuffing her face with the food. I quickly finished eating and went back upstairs to brush my teeth. I popped a mint in my mouth and now, we were ready to go.

*at the magcon event*
(a/n: I have never been to magcon so I have no idea how this works. please bare with me. thank you)

I saw the huge line of screaming and crying girls. I'm surprised that isn't me - or not yet. My palms were sweaty, my hands were shaky, and my head is pounding as I see Taylor throw a window. I smile to myself, I am finally meeting my love.

We had to stand in line to get our bracelets in order to get it. Since we had VIP, we were on our way to meet the boys.
(a/n: again, I have no idea how this works or who's paired with who, just please bare with me😅)

Meeting everyone else was a blur. I hugged everyone ever so tightly. Told each of them how much they mean to me. Took a cute m&g picture and moved on. But then came Taylor and Matt. I was next to go, or so I thought, I was shaking and my vision was blurry, I just hope I don't mess things up.

"Hey beautiful what's your name?" Just as I was about to open my mouth to tell him, I realized he was looking at someone else. My heart dropped. I didn't even notice I was slightly crying until Matthew actually came up to me and brought me to his place.

"Hey, shh. Don't cry babe. Don't cry. " he hugs me tightly and rubs little circles on my back.

"I love you a lot Matt, I really do." I hugged him tightly. I would never thought I would have an experience like this.

"and I love you more baby." He hugs me once more. "Why don't we take-"

"And who is this young lady?" Taylor comes up behind me. My heart stops. I turn around and face him.

"H-hi Taylor. I'm Kylie." I start smiling. He seems emotionless.

"Were you crying?" He asks. He doesn't seem really happy. Have I done something?

"Uh, actually. I- uh. I have allergies. Yeah, allergies." He just stares at me with a blank face. I don't think he likes me. There goes my life, down the drain. "C-can I hug you? I bought these tickets pretty much to see you." I was looking down as I was speaking. I looked up and he was already talking to another fan. My heart stops. I stood there emotionless. The boy who I thought would love me, hates me. Good God, he ignored me.

"Well, nice meeting you Matt. Thank you for treating me right." He pulls me in for another hug. "I love you Matt" I said holding back tears. "I love you more baby. Thank you for the support. Let's take a picture you and me." I manage to smile.

He picks me up bridal style and I plant a kiss on his cheek. He places me on the floor and waves.

"Bye Kylie!" He says with a huge smile on his face. "Bye Matt" I smile back.

As I was in line to meet Jacob and Aaron, all I was thinking about is how rude Taylor was to me. How broken my heart felt. Sometimes I feel ashamed that I can love someone so much, that they can make me, or break me. But it's something I have to deal with.

As I go closer to meeting Jacob and Aaron, I started shaking. Jacob was my second favorite and Aaron is my third. Finally, as the girl in front of me left, I ran and jumped onto jacob. Embracing him in the biggest hug. He sets me on the floor.

"Hey baby, what's your name?" He looks for my hand. I gladly held out my hand for him to hold.

"Hi, I'm Kylie. You have an amazing voice. I'm very proud on how far you've came." He pulls me in for a hug and whispers, "you're extremely beautiful. I would love to get to know you better." He pulls away and I am standing there like a fool with my mouth open.

"Um, babe. You're gonna get flies in your mouth." He chuckles slightly.

"You're extremely attractive and I would love to get to know you better too. But you're 17, I'm 15" I looked down in shame. Damn, why do I have to be so young.

"2 years apart? That's not bad. I'm gonna give you a paper. Pretend you're writing your twitter but write your phone number." He smirks and hands me the paper and a pen. I quickly write my number and my twitter. Shameless self promotion.

"Smooth Whitesides, Smooth." I giggle and hug him tightly one last time. "I love you a lot. Keep doing what you're doing."

I went to Aaron. His hugs are amazing. He called me many sweet things. He made me feel like the only girl in this room.

After all the meet and greets, Lauren, Jocelyn, and I shared photos and stories. I didn't mention Taylor or Jacob, they'll go crazy. We watched the boys do their little show and headed home.

I checked my phone multiple times waiting for a text from Jacob. This whole situation confused me. I love Taylor, but he's so mean. I love jacob, and he treats me like a queen. I don't know.

I set my phone down and got into my jacob sweater and took of my make up. I put my hair in a messy bun and laid down in bed.

I checked my phone one last time and I got a text.

from 543-321: hey Kylie, it's jacob. I'm really hoping you won't leak my number😅 but I trust you. You seem like a sweet heart and I would love to get to know you better. Tomorrow there's obviously the second day and I hope to see you there. I would love to bring you back stage too. Sweet dreams angel xx.

I saved his number and I smiled. I keep thinking to myself on how it just didn't work out with Taylor. Then I thought, Wait, you're the one? It's just confusing but oh damn well.

To Jacob☺️: i will see you tomorrow. No worries, I won't leak it haha. I have my best friends with me so is it okay if they come along back stage? thank you. good night handsome🙊

From Jacob☺️: of course babe. see you then xx

Jacob is one hell of a flirt that's for sure. I check the time and decided I should go to bed. I set my phone down, and laid my head on the pillow. I thought, wait. he is the one.

a/n: i hope, to those reading this, are enjoying it😅😅 please leave feedback and vote!
Kylie & Taylor = Kylor
Kylie & Jacob = Unknown
these ship names are gonna be weird but oh well! help me figure out a ship name for jacob and Kylie maybe? 🙊

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