Chapter 14

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Riya's POV

Oh it was Jimin!He worked in our office.He was a nice and straight forward guy.He was my good close friend.Jimin knew about my story(Sakura is Jungkook's girlfriend and I am his wife).Even Taehyung knew him.

But seeing Jimin saying like this Sakura was shocked.I don't know why.

"Jimin..You?!You are saying like this to me?!",she said shockingly.

"Yes!I am saying this to you!You flirty bitch!!What did you thought that after flirting with me I would have fallen in love with you??!!Huh?!",Jimin revealed.

Oh I guess that's why she was shocked.Good Jimin.

After hearing this,she was embarrassed.She came to me without saying anything to Jimin.

"This is all due to you!!",she said and was about to slap me when I pushed her aside.She was about to fall.Wait.I just pushed her a little,didn't I?Oh yeah I forgot she is a drama queen.

At to my luck at that time when I pushed her Jungkook came.Oh God.

"Riya are you fucking mad?!Why did you pushed her??!!!",he yelled.She immediately went to him.Oh that should be me who should go and not her.

"Yeah baby she pushed me...Now even you are seeing this..Now don't believe in her excuses",she wined like a crybaby and started to fake cry.

Before me saying anything,Jimin said,"Shut up Sakura!It was your mistake and not her..You were going to slap her.So don't blame her now!!".

"Excuse me!!Who the fuck are you to scold her?!!",Jungkook yelled at Jimin.

I had made Jimin promise me to not let Jungkook know that I had told him about my story.So he didn't said anything regarding this.

"I am Riya's close friend!And I am saying this because that is her mistake and not Riya's.And also I am saying this because I know no one will say anything because they respect you and are also scared of you",Jimin said raising his voice.Huh?I wondered because I knew he was respected here  but I didn't knew that he was also feared by everyone here.

Jungkook got angry at his reply and was about to slap him when I drew Jimin to my side.By my actions he got more angry.

"OH SO NOW YOU ARE GOING TO SAVE HIM FROM ME..HUH??!!",Jungkook yelled at me.

"SO AFTER TAEHYUNG HE IS YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND!!HUH??!",Jungkook shouted very loudly.

I slapped him.

Yes this time I slapped him.a payback.

I couldn't take it anymore.Was he mad?Can't a girl have a male friend?Does it only have to be a boyfriend?!

After this he was more angry than ever.He was fuming with anger now.
Also he was shocked by my actions.

He started to come closer to me as he was going to beat me.But he just came inches from my face and whispered in my ears.."Just see now.."

I was shocked at his words and then he went.And as usual Sakura glared at me and went away.

All people began to work except Jimin.I went to my cabin.Jimin even came.

I started to cry.Jimin patted me on my back.

"Look Riya..It's alright..Don't cry.Please",Jimi said.The warmth in his words made me feel good.

"Okay Jimin..I won't cry",I said.He was motionless.

"Sorry Riya...",Jimin said.

"Why are you saying sorry ChimChim?",I asked.

"Nothing Riya..",he said looking down and then he got a call from his friend Namjoon.

"I will tell you something soon..",saying this he went and left me puzzled...


Heyoo..Take care of yourself and your loved ones..💜


방탄소년단과 아미 보라해 💜

방탄소년단과 아미 보라해 💜

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