Chapter 37

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Riya's POV

A boy entered inside and I cannot believe it!


I can't believe Eunwoo is here!!

Oh my my !!!!


He was also shocked to see me.

"RIYA..YOU?!",he said and rushed towards me and pulled me into a tight hug.

I too hugged him tightly.

We broke the hug.

"What are you doing here Eunwoo?",I asked.

Jungkook was shook that I know he.

"Huh how do you know each other?",he asked confusedly.

"Riya was in India was nearly 2 years and at that time I also had went to India.Actually we both had went to study there.And then we both met in the same university.We were very close friends.We used to be with each other.We always had each other's back.We helped each other everytime.We both were like brother and sister.And then for 2 years we were friends.In this 2 years we became very close friends.And then after the education was finished,I had to move to Japan for the further studies as I had to study more for my course.But Riya had to come back here in South Korea because her studies was completed.So we had to part our ways.We cried very much that day.And now we are meeting each other after such a long time",he said.

"Ohhh..",Jungkook was surprised.

"Jungkook is she your wife?!",Eunwoo asked.

"Yes..",he said.

"I thought it must be someone another",Eunwoo said.

"Eunwoo but tell me what are you doing here?",I asked still surprised.

"Actually Riya..The thing is about my sister..",he said.

"Oh about your sister.Yeah I knew you had a sister.What about her?",I asked

He looked down.

"And Jungkook do you know him too?",I asked him.

He nodded and told me his friendship with Eunwoo.

"Ohk..Eunwoo tell..",I looked at him for a answer.

Then he looked around.

"Huh where is she?",Eunwoo asked to himself.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Huh now come inside",he called to someone.

"And then...

The fuck.

What the fuck is Sakura doing here..?!

I looked at Eunwoo.Jungkook was looking down only.

"Actually Riya..She,Sakura is my sister",he said looking down.

"Huh?WTF?!",I yelled.

"Riya..I am sorry..I didn't knew anything about this..",Eunwoo said.

She came near me.

"Riya..I am sorry",she said.

"Huh?Sorry?Do you think for what you did a sorry is enough?!",I shouted at her.

"Riya I know...I am s-",I cut her off.

"Do you think a sorry is enough for whatever happened till now?Is a sorry okay for healing my wounds?Is a sorry okay enough for how much I was hurt?!",I asked her.

She looked down.

I went towards Jungkook.

"What is it all Jungkook?!",I asked him.

He looked at me and then told me everything like how Sakura cheated on him and how she loved his money and not him and later what happened.

I knew it.I knew that bitch only loved him for his money.

Eunwoo turned towards Jungkook.

"I never thought that you would cheat on your wife Jungkook",he said to him.

He looked down.

Sakura came towards me.

"Riya..Please I am sorry for whatever I did...I won't ever bother you and Jungkook..I would just go...I would be like your small sister...Please forgive me",she said and tears dropped from her eyes.

I could see the guilt in her eyes.She was surely regretting everything she did.

"Jungkook we both need a moment to talk",Eunwoo said.

Jungkook nodded and went out.Sakura took went.

Eunwoo came towards me.

"I am sorry Riya.I feel ashamed to call her my Sister,due to which my so best friend got so much hurt.I am so sorry...",he said and a tear dropped from his eyes.

I wiped it off.

"No Eunwoo it is not your mistake.The mistake is all of Sakura and Jungkook.Please don't say sorry",he said.

"She always creates problems.She hurted you..I am sorry..Please forgive her..She is really feeling guilty",Eunwoo said.

Actually the thing he said was right.Like Sakura was really feeling guilty.

Should I forgive her or not?She is feeling guilty.She had realised her mistake now.

"Riya,you know right Jungkook is a mafia boss...So if you don't forgive her then he will also not forgive her and may even kill her",he said.

"Kill?",I asked shockingly.

And then Eunwoo told me everything like how Jungkook had removed his gun and was going to kill her when Eunwoo came and she got saved.

"Oh..Please forgive her once.. I take the responsibility that she won't ever bother you",He looked at me.

"It's not only Sakura's mistake but also of Jungkook.But to be honest more than Sakura it's Jungkook's mistake.He could have stopped himself but he didn't",I said.

"Riya now Jungkook also broke up with Sakura",he said.


"So that was the reason why he was acting so good with me..because he didn't have any girlfriend any longer",I said.

He holded my hands.

"Riya you are more like a sister to me than Sakura...But I can't even lose her..You know our parents died a long time ago.So they told me to take her responsibility and I promised them I will take care of her..I am afraid that Jungkook will kill her...Also she is feeling guilty now so Riya please...",Eunwoo said.

I looked down.

What should I do?


Heya!Another Chapter updated today itself..!

Tysm for all the people who are reading mine book and supporting me.

I purple you all💜

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