Chapter 25

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Riya's POV

Amazing ride!

We soon reached the spot.Tae and I looked around.The spot was normal.

"Uh..Jimin ssi you were saying it would be a very beautiful place..",Tae said observing the place.I nodded.

"Ah nah!This is not the place!",he said laughing.

"Uh then why are we here?",I asked.

"Actually even I don't know where we are going.They both are going to decide.They told me to come here and then we will all go to that spot",Jimin said.

"Ohh..kk",Tae and I Said.He nodded.

Then he started looking around.

"Oh yeah see there is Namjoon",Jimin said and got out of the car.

We nodded and got out of the car too.

"But there were going to be two people right?",Tae asked.

"Yeah..I don't know where is Jin..he should be with Namjoon",Jimin said.

We reached where Namjoon was standing.

He looked at us.

"Hey"we greeted.

"Hey",he said.

"Hey Namjoon where is Jin?",Jimin asked.

"Oh yeah I was calling you..",he said.

"Why?",Jimin asked.

"Jin was with me right now..But he got some important some..So he went now",Namjoon said.

"So..He won't be able to join us?",I asked.

"",Namjoon said.

"Ohhh..",Tae said.

"Ohk then we will go to somewhere normal",Jimin said.

We all agreed.

"I wanted to meet him too",I said.

"Oh..He even didn't wanted to go but the work was important",Namjoon said

"Ohk",I nodded.

"Btw nice to meet you",Tae said.

"Yes nice to meet you both too",Namjoon said.

"Yeah",I and Tae said.

"We will all again soon to somewhere and with Jin!",Namjoon said.

"Yeah sure",I said.

"Where we will go now?",Jimin asked.

"Let's go normal somewhere cause we will soon gonna meet with Jin",Tae said.

We agreed.

"Yeah and the destination you both thought of going..At that destination we will go when Jin is there",Jimin said.

"Okay so let's go to Everland(Theme park)",I suggested.

"Oh yeah..That will be great.."Tae said.

"Yeah I have even heard that it is famous for Thunder falls",Jimin said.

"Ohk..So we will go there",Namjoon said.

"Let's go!",We all said and sat in the car.

"Yes after that we will also go to some restaurant for eating something",Tae said.

"Yeah",everyone cheered.

It was not so dark.So we decided to go there.

The car started.

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