Chapter 22

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Jungkook's POV

I went and opened the door of her room.I don't know why but my legs walked to her room.As I opened the door she looked at me.

"What happened?",she asked in a irritated tone.

What should I say I wondered.Even I don't know why i came here.But I should say something otherwise that may seem so weird.

I thought of what to say and then said,"I just came here to tell you that I don't want to see you again with Jimin or Taehyung.And if I see you then...",I said and looked at her with angry eyes and before she could reply I just went out of her bedroom.

I went in my bedroom.

Riya's POV

I was just staring at him blankly when he came.Did he just came here to tell this?Didn't he fucking told me this in the living room also?What a bastard.

I won't just listen to what he fucking says.

I started doing my office work.

But I couldn't concentrate.

Hey man why tf does he puts such restrictions to me and do whatever he wants with his girlfriend?!

I won't tell Jimin or Taehyung about this.

I just kept the office work.Cause what's the use when I can't concentrate?

I just slept.

Jungkook's POV

I called Sakura.

I was bored.

I was calling her.The phone was switched off.Oh what the fuck is she doing?

Suddenly my phone ranged.I thought it was her but it wasn't her.It was from a person who work under me.

"Hello",I said.

"Hello sir.I bow down to you",he said.

Whenever they call me they say like this.To show respect.

"What happened why you called?",I asked in a cold tune.

"S-sir..Suga has ran away",I said.

"What the fuck where you doing?",I shouted.

"S-sorry sir",he pleaded.

"Now what the fuck are you doing?JUST GO AND FUCKING FIND HIM AND BRING HIM TO ME",I yelled.

"O-okay sir",he said.And I hanged the call.

Suga was a person who I had caught.He used to work under me before but then he gave our information to a enemy and so I have kept him caught.Actually the blame on him is not yet verified totally but still I caught him.He was my good friend.

I was very much angry that he ran away.And more angry because my men couldn't fucking keep him under control!Just fucking fuckers!

I tried calling Sakura again.Why the fuck she isn't picking up my phone.

I just kept my mobile away and went to sleep.

Riya's POV


I woke up.I was hungry.So u decided to do my morning routine and just make breakfast and eat.

I went and did my morning routine and changed into something casual.

I then went into the kitchen.I was wondering what should I make today.
Ok so I will make Kimchi egg Skillet with oyster mushrooms.

And that would be tasty.I am a good cook!I know.I blushed shyly at my own praise.

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