Chapter 42

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Riya's POV

The doctor came out.We all rushed to him.

"Doctor how is Jungkook",I asked with tears in my eyes.

"He is fine and out of danger",Doctor said.

Yeah thank god.We all felt relieved.

They all hugged me.

The doctor smiled.

"When can we take him home?",I asked.

"Maybe tomorrow",doctor said.

We nodded.

"Can we go and meet him now?",Taehyung asked

"Actually he is sleeping now.You can go but don't disturb him",doctor said.

We nodded and went inside.

I saw Jungkook sleeping on the bed.

I went and sat near him.

I caressed his head and held his hand in my hand.

He slowly opened his eyes.

He saw me and his eyes brightened.

He was about to get up when I told him to lay down.

He looked at the others and smiled.

"I am sorry because of me you have to go through this too..",he said  and tears streamed down his eyes.

I just caressed his hairs and then wiped away his tears.

He fell back.He was still weak.He didn't had any much injuries.

"Jungkook rest now",I said.

He nodded and drifted of to sleep.

I went towards the others.

"Thank you so much for all your help", I said

"Oh c'mon Riya we are your friends",Jin said.

"Adn friends don't say thank you and sorry to each other",Namjoon said.

They all nodded and smiled.I too smiled.

It was already evening.

"I guess you all should go home now",I told them.

"And what about you Riya?",Jimin said.

"I will wait here with Jungkook",I said.

"I will wait too",Taehyung said.

"Oh no it's okay you go home",I said.

I don't want to burden them although I know they won't feel me as a burden.

"No I will stay",he insisted.

"Ah tae no go home and rest",I said.

"Okay then I will go now and bring dinner",Tae said.

I nodded.

"You all must go now.You all would be tired",I said.

They smiled to me and hugged me and then they waved at me and then went.
Taehyung also went,he will come after sometime with the dinner.They all told me if I need some thing then call them without any hesitation.They all are so sweet and very great friends.

And then I went and sat on the couch in the room.

I was scrolling through mobile.

And then after sometime during dinner time Taehyung came.

"Hey Riya lets eat the food.Wake up Jungkook",he said.

I nodded and went and woke Jungkook up.

"Let's have dinner",I told him and he nodded and woke up slowly and sat.

We opened the food.

I was sitting beside Jungkook and Taehyung was sitting beside me.

We ate the food as all were hungry.Also we praised the food.

I feeded Jungkook the food.

I wanted to ask Jungkook how he got into and accident but I thought that I will ask him tomorrow at home.

He was still weak.

We soon finished the dinner.

"Riya are you going to stay here?",Taehyung asked me.

"Yeah",I said.

"You want me to stay?",he asked

"Uh no you go and rest",I told him.

"Okay so I will come tomorrow.When he is getting discharge call me.I will come and pick you both",he said and hugged me and waved at Jungkook and me and went.

"Jungkook sleep now",I said.

He nodded and slept.

I went and sat on that sofa.

After sometime of using the mobile I too slept.

I woke up in the middle of night by the sounds of Jungkook.

He was shouting slowly in his sleep.I went near him.

"Please don't leave me.I love you with all my heart.I will always love you Riya.Please stay with me and be mine forever",he said.


"Jungkook sleep",I said caressing his head.

He holded my hand tightly.

"Please don't leave me....I love you please...Riya...",he was saying all this while sleeping.

"Jungkook ah I am not going anywhere.Sleep now",I said and then he calmed down.

I was going to go to sleep on the sofa when I saw he had still holded my hand.

I then sat beside him and soon drifted off to sleep in that position only.


Hello.I hoped you liked it.Tysm.


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