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"I feel like we should wake him up sungie"

The sound was muffled to minho's ears but he heard it and recognized it as Hyunjin's.

Minho stirred in his sleep, shifting over to the other side of his bed, his eyes squinting due to the bright light entering his room from the slightly opened window.

"Mhm... nah he seems fine, let him sleep" He heard Jisung whisper with a slight yawn. They probably just woke up Minho thought to himself slipping in and out of consciousness.

"But sungie you know how cranky he gets when hes late."

His roommates were being incredibly loud today but then again when weren't they. His room was the farthest from the kitchen but he was still able to hear every word spoken loud and clear.

"Well I think we should wake-"

" - I don't care Hyunjin."

He finished with a pout evident in his voice, Minho heard a scoff come from the other male. He never really understood how these two ended up together, to outsiders it would look like they absolutely despised each other but then surprise surprise they were dating.

"You know what, I've had it with you I'm calling your mother"

A long and rather unnecessary silence took over, god these two are dramatic Minho thought while slightly moving due to his uncomfortable position.

"You wouldn't" jisung said slowly dragging out each syllable with ease.

"Oh yes I would" hyunjin spat back

"No you would-"

"Yes I would."

"No. you. wouldn't."


Both paused when they realized another presence entered the kitchen, they turned to see a disheveled Minho standing at the doorway with a cold look on his face

"Can you two not act like fucking children this early in the morning" his voice a bit raspy since he just woke up.

Both boys instantly shut up, leaving the kitchen silent except for the distant hum of outside.

Minho had this affect where he didn't have to shout or raise his voice to seem intimidating, something about his aura screamed "Touch me or my cats and you won't see the light of day" to simplify it - minho looked like a baby but was scary as fuck.

"Hyunjin are there any pancakes left?"

The tall boy stood up, his pretty delicate features glowing in the morning light. He was dressed in an over sized white shirt and black baggy jeans, Minho found that he could wear the most simplest things but make them look absolutely amazing. Loser.

"Yeah hyung, I left some in the microwave for you, here i'll get them" he said while walking past Minho slightly brushing his shoulder against the other.

"Sungie was about to eat yours too if I didn't hide them away"

He spoke while adoring a small smile on his face, Minho thought that Hyunjins smile was very pretty especially when his teeth were slightly peeking out and his eyes turned into small crescents. Minho was a bit envious of the boys natural beauty, i mean like who the fuck looks that good on a monday morning.

While Hyunjin was busy doing whatever he was doing Minho placed himself beside Jisung by the kitchen counter.

"So I heard you and Hyunjin arguing about you always overworking yourself" Minho turned in his chair so he was facing the younger giving him all his attention. He watched as Jisungs soft expression turned into one of slight shock due to Minho's words.

"You were awake?"

Minho giggled at his words "No you're just really loud and Hyunjin isn't that quiet either" Minho laughed a bit more causing the younger to laugh as well.

Minho always found Jisung an easy person to talk to, his welcoming smiles and friendly touches made it almost impossible for the two of them to not become friends.

Minho realised that's probably the reason why Jisung and Hyunjin fell for each other both too friendly and too easy to love. Minho was gonna ask Jisung more when Hyunjin came and placed a cup of coffee and a plate of pancakes with a barley any blueberries and drizzled with a little syrup, he didn't like eating a lot of sweet stuff.

To his delight breakfast wasn't awkward all in fact it was the complete opposite, the atmosphere was light and loud laughs echoed through the small apartment. Minho adored moments like this where everything seemed so easy, just the three of them no worries of the real world and what comes with growing up.

Minho watched as Jisung laughed at something Hyunjin said. He saw how lovingly Hyunjin watched the younger bringing up his hand to wipe some cream away from the others mouth still adoring the same loving smile.

Even after their little disagreement they would act as if nothing happened and continue on with their lives, minho knew they would never let small minor disagreements get in the way of their relationship. he felt a bit envious towards what they had. only a bit

Minho had a routine and he hated when it was delayed in any way, shape or form.

It was simple that way and many things got done quicker and easier. Minho wakes up at 7am, eats at roughly 7:30am after brushing his teeth and getting dressed, so by the time he's done eating it's 7:50am which gives him enough time to get to work before anyone else and get everything ready for the kids.

But of course there had to be that one obstacle and who could that be you may ask well of course it's none other than Han Jisung who was too busy sucking his boyfriends face off to realise bestfriends panicked expression.

It took Minho ten minutes to forcefully detach Jisung from Hyunjin and then another five to get him out of their shared apartment and to his car so by the time they were actually on the road they were hit with morning traffic.

Minho hated being delayed, he had a routine and he stuck by it - to say the least Minho was fucking infuriated.

"Oh shit I'm gonna be late" Jisung sighed, slightly moving his body so his head was leaning against the window "Look Min i don't mean to be rude but maybe you should wake up earlier cause now i'm gonna be late"

Minho turned to look at the younger, Jisung was pouting which may have looked cute to others but to him he looked like a little brat. He was a second away from strangling the boy and dumping him in the nearest river and not giving a shit about jail, I mean he's watched enough criminal mind episodes to get through this so how hard could it be.

"Jisungie you're lucky I have places to be because if I didn't you'd be dead right about now" Minho dragged out the 'e' while speaking in a sickeningly sweet voice.

He must have scared the shit out of him because for the rest of the car ride not one word was shared between them.

word count - 1182

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