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For the past few weeks Minho grew accustomed to seeing Chan and if he was honest, he didn't mind it one bit.

He somewhat grew fond of their shared little smiles and fleeting touches between them. It made Minho develop a tiny feeling of fondness for the other. Their daily grettings slowly becoming apart of Minho's routine.

Minho found Chan to be a considerably calm and collective person, someone who had everything planned similar to Minho but much more professional. Chan looked like he knew what he wanted in life and worked his way towards it, he seemed perfect- probably too perfect.

Minho never once saw Chan angry or frustrated to the point you could cry, but then again no one was perfect. No matter how hard you tried you could never be unbreakable.

The hallways were silent, only the tap of Minho's shoes against the tiled floor created a sound. The sun  had just about set, creating a golden hue in the centre making everything peaceful, but after walking in to the reception at 5:43pm on a cold friday afternoon screaming and shouting from two people isn't the first thing Minho expected but then again, if Felix can be expected to do the unexpected so can Chan. An australian thing Minho concluded.

"How the fuck am I supposed to find someone to look after Jihoon when I leave in a few hours!"

Chan looked mad, an understatement to be honest- he looked really fucking mad.

Minho thought it was quite hot seeing Chan in a state like this but quickly dismissed this thought as quick as it came. If Minho had been so unfortunate to be in Felix's shoes he would have shit himself by now because not only did chan look ready to kill- he looked ready to terminate anyone or anything in his way and Minho wasn't very good with confrontation.

"I don't know maybe instead of yelling at ME, go use that big mouth of yours and find someone." Felix shouted when emphasising the words.

"I can't just find someone you idiot. Why do you have to go meet Changbin's parents? Can you not reschedule?" Chan looked frustrated. He had dark circles around his eyes and his shoulders hanging. He looked absolutely exhausted.

"You know how his parents feel about him being with another guy, so no Chan I can't fucking reschedule"

"You wouldn't understand anyway all you care about is Changbin this and Changbin that"

"That's so rich coming from you. Well let me tell you this- you wouldn't understand because everything is all about you, stop being selfish. I can't always be here to look after her, I have my own life to live and I've finally found someone I love and who loves me, so don't yell at me just because you're mad you have no one!"


Minho knew that feeling all to well, his heart ached at the reminder of it, but what confused him was the fact minho was pretty sure Chan was with Sihyeon, from the way they acted he had automatically assumed they were together.

Felix practically yelled the last bit, his rant coming out longer than he anticipated. Minho saw the fight drain out of him and a look of frustration slowly turned into one of guilt but no regret evident on his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't-"

"No it's fine Lixie, its fine" hurt, Chan sounded hurt even with the small smile, he sounded tired. Minho realised in that moment that he didn't want to ever see Chan hurt again.

"Chan I could look after her." he said but his voice failed him causing him to mumble indescribable sounds.

Both males looked at him, previous emotions being hidden under their lustreless and forced smiles, pain some how faded but not having truly left.

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