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'Pretty'  Minho thought.

It was such a mediocre word, not something to squeal over or dramatically think about for the rest of his life.

It held such little meaning but, funnily enough, still brought a bright flush to his cheeks, the one already nipping there darkening even more.

"You have a pretty smile Minho" Chan said almost evaluating the fact.

She always used to call him pretty, it was almost an inside joke with them. His baby like features back then serving as a teasing device.

Minho couldn't deny he liked being called pretty by her, she made him feel happy even if he dismissed it with a wave of his hand and little whines. When other people called him pretty he felt uncomfortable in a way, like a child getting scolded.

Some strange part of him felt that they were trying to make him forget her, make him realise that he wasn't special. 'It's the tendencies of grief' some relative had explained.

Minho grew some hatred to the word but the way Chan had been looking at him, Minho could only give a little turn of his lips in return.

"Ah, thanks"

Chan moved his hand away from the others cheek — much to Minho's relief, the cold instantly coming to invad the warm area that was previously covered. The tips of his ears becoming a light pink flush colour making Minho look again.


Minho found himself at Chan's house again the next weekend after the elder asked him to look after Jihoon once again. She was one of the most easiest children to look after so he didn't mind coming back one bit, he actually quite enjoyed getting out of the house plus he was getting payed so it was a win-win for him.


Minho stumbled down the stairs seeing Chan in the living room with a cup of hot chocolate grasped between his hands, he was watching some shitty cheap movie that he seemed uninterested in, instead finding the window much more fascinating.

"Oh, good morning Minho. You're up early"

Minho glanced up at the clock on the wall, that read 7:23 am. Jisung had really come to get him at 7am. fucking bitch.

"Yeah my roomate came to get me since I came with the bus last night"

Chan nodded at his words, lips coming to blow the steam away from his mug, trying to cool it down a little before taking a sip.

"Before you go um, I was, you know I was actually wondering if you could do me another favor" He smiled sheepishly at Minho.

Minho stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Chan, his nervousness showing through his knitted eyebrows and deeply concentrated expression before nodding his head awaiting his next words.

"I wanted to ask you this the first time we met but it seemed kind of awkward-" he coughed awkwardly "What I'm trying to say is that you fit my style and type"

Minho looked at Chan, eyes widening completely misinterpreting the elders words, not fully getting a good explanation.

"oh wait shit no i meant that you're attractive, wait no i mean yes but no!"

Minho's shocked expression turning back into his neutral one when he saw a anxious fumbling Chan mess up his whole question.

"What I wanted to say was would you mind being my inspiration for my upcoming project- you don't have to if you don't-"


It was Chan's turn to look at Minho with a shocked expression, not expecting the younger to agree so easily. Minho himself also confused at his out right answer, his mind still catching up with what his mouth just blurted out.

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