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"Good morning Min"

A small voice spoke from behind him. Minho turned to see Chan looking at him, a small smile spread across his face, he looked down signalling someone else was calling out to him. Reaching over just a little Minho found a starry eyed Jihoon smiling up at him holding, winnie in her free hand while her other one was holding on to Chan's.

"Oh, goodmorning Jihoon" he smiled down at the little girl, hands on his knees so he could reach down to her height.

The little girl giggled at Minho. He stood back up straight, now looking at Chan to who he found still staring at him but the smile no longer present on his face instead a more serious and in thought expression replaced his previous one.

"morning Minho" he greeted back, giving him a tight lipped smile.

"Morning Chan" he replied as neutral as possible while walking over to the two, helping Jihoon take off her coat and boots placing them in her designated slot. Minho turned to see the other male out of sight, he looked out the glass door and saw him on the phone- probably on a call to someone important since he had to leave the room. From what Minho could see Chan looked obviously frustrated, Minho couldn't hear much from where he was except the low and barley audible mumbles coming from Chan.

"Hey Lix" Felix turned to him, eyebrows raised in question "Could you take Jihoon to the other kids, I'll be there in a second"

Not waiting for the youngers response, he walked outside making as little noise as possible, Chan had finished the call, his elbows perked up against the metal bars outside and hands coming to tangle themselves within his messy blonde hair. An exhausted sigh left his mouth, followed by a little white puff of smoke also falling out from his cold and slightly chapped lips.

Minho wasn't that good at comforting people, usually being the one getting comforted so this was new territory to him.

A slightly hessiant hand came to rub (what Minho hoped was) soothing circles on the others back.

"Are you ok?"

He knows that wasn't the best question to ask when Chan obviously wasn't ok but at least he was trying to make the older feel better, keyword trying.

"Yeah, its just work is really stressful and I feel like i'm bothering you all the time"

Minho didn't really know how to reply to that because yes he was always asking the younger for favors but Minho didn't really mind helping him out, instead he quite enjoyed being around the other.

"Don't worry Chan. You're not bothering me one bit, I um actually quite like the idea of being your muse, I guess"

Minho's words failed him slightly when he felt Chan's eyes on him again, listening intenly to what the younger was saying. Chan moved so he was standing closer to Minho, since the boy was practically whispering.

"Thank you Min, I appreciate it."

Silence. There was more he wanted to say, Minho could tell.

"You wanna ask me something else don't you?"

"I- yeah" he laughed scoffing at the end, his body moving coming to face the road. Morning traffic decreased by now except for the occasional cars driving past, the noise blended in the background, not heard to their ears, instead purely focused on the sounds spilling from each others lips. Chan closed his eyes taking a breath through his nose and exhaling out his mouth a few seconds later, Minho just watched the other silently and patiently waiting for his next words.

"Don't you ever just feel like running away?" Minho laughed to himself at Chan's random comment, he gave the elder a playful side glance before interjecting the little moment Chan was in.

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