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Chan smelled weird. Not in a bad way but in a confusing way.

He had a smell that didn't smell of this specific thing, rather he smelled of multiple things in different situations. He once smelled of this one ice pop Minho used to love when he was younger. Then another time he would smell like a strong blend of American coffee beans he purchased on sale.

Chan right now smelled of spring, he's not quite sure what spring actually smells like, but if Minho could guess, he'd say Chan was pretty close to it. Especially since the older was dragging him away from his usual Saturday late afternoon nap, a week into Jisung and Hyunjin's trip, to take him to some bar. He had been coming over more recently so the sight of him didn't surprise Minho in the slightest.

The sun was setting and golden hue of light fell past the open curtains, all while a fairly impatient Chan sat in his living room. Ushering him towards his room with a small smile and a lingering hand to his back. Minho pretends like that action didn't make him almost trip over.

The situation replicated what had happened such a short while ago. It was funny really, how things had changed from then to now.

And Minho still had this fantastic issue — seemingly fantastic in a way that involved a specific blonde male. Quite controversial in that sense when his mind was infused with that said 'Blonde male' even though he was the problem.

Outside — opposed to what it actually was, the semi bright sun looked so warm but the air nipped at any warmth it could grasp. It was still considerably cold with a few hours of warmth then the cold converting back again later.

This time Minho didn't have the helping hands of Hyunjin to guide his sense of fashion so he blindly chose what wasn't too 'try hard' and not too 'not trying enough', something somewhat in the middle.

"Cmon let's go," Chan smiled when Minho made it out as the sun finally fell and let the night begin.

"You really love the idea of not being at home? It's always you out and about huh?" Minho asked laughing as Chan leaded him down the familiar path, to an even familiar car.

"No, well yes, but also because I love being out, so why not drag you with me?" He asked, starting up the car.

"Very convincing Mr Bang" Minho saw the blush form on the other cheeks as the words left his mouth.

Laughs followed along for a few moments before the silence greeted them with open arms. The streetlights brought light for a second before leaving the next, the illumination gone but returning at another turn.

They were in the middle of the city now, lots of bright signs blinking the separate attractions for the people swarming by. There was a long line for the new chinese restaurant and a little hotdog stand parked right opposite it, the guy working there glaring at the stall a few metres away with noticeably more customers — donuts, a classic and easy win.

Chan parked, quickly offering Minho a smile before reaching over, unexpectedly and totally out of the blue, pressing a small kiss on his forehead.

"You look nice," he pulled back and spoke quietly, not ruining the previous bubble of calm they had unintentionally created.

I love you.

"Thanks," he smiled.

To say the least Minho smelt the club before he entered. The pinching smell of alcohol all too familiar from those high school parties he had snuck out to, except this time the cheap vodka and beer was replaced with high quality shit, every 19 year old football jock could only wish for.

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