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"And you're sure you'll be fine by yourself"

Hyunjin was quickly putting on his shoes, running around the small apartment looking for his glasses that were peacefully sat on his head.

"They're on your head" he watched as Hyunjn touched his head, gentle fingers coming in contact with the glasses, a strained laugh escaping when he realised they were indeed placed on his head.

"And to answer your question, yes I'll be fine"

He handed Hyunjin his charger and phone before he could go around running like a mad man looking for the things that were simply placed right in front of him.

He had a terrible memory causing Minho to sigh at his awful methods of packing for a trip to the people who he was once so close with now under the impression of mere strangers, Minho noticed the causion in his gaze when he took the items not quite wanting to leave the warmth and familiarity of their little apartment.

"Ok, well I better get going," He smiled a little awkwardly at Minho, glancing over e apartment once more "Jisung is gonna be a little bitch if I take any longer" he carried on walking up to the door, holding his bag in his other hand while giving minho an uncomfortable positioned hug from where he was stood halfway out the apartment, still hesitant to move away even after Minho pushed himself from the younger.

"You'll be fine, both of you" he whispered before Hyunjin ran out the apartment letting the door close with a loud click that echoed through the now strangely silent space, where even the little tweets from birds a few blocks away could be heard, there was a slight rustle of trees the wind blowing through the slight cracked open window, letting a small shudder pass through him. He walked over shutting it as he watched the car pull up from the front of the complex and drive past the busy streets until completely disappearing from his view.

Minho glanced at the now closed window, letting his tired body fall against the couch eyes closing, his hand coming to touch the newly unfamiliar metal that decorated his wrist contrasting quite well with his pale complexion.

The gift honestly confusing Minho, but that was just Chan — he was confusing always doing these things that made Minho question everything, friendship would have had boundaries and Minho couldn't really consider this a token of friendship after their lips had touched intentionally, the action causing a lot, if not all, boundaries to be passed.

Chan seemed so sacrosanct to minho, occasionally he would think Chan was easy and possibly understandable, his personality making it easier for Minho to figure him out but then on the other hand he just seemed so out of reach, Minho grasping for him but nothing quite being held on in the end.

Minho was dangerously shifting in and out of consciousness, his mind not fully letting him completely sleep, his head lolling back against his shoulder where he had uncomfortably sat refusing to move because of how unforgivingly lazy he was currently feeling. He decided to eventually move resulting in him curled up into a little ball, finally in a comfortable enough postion to fully let the wave of sleep desperately take over and knock him out for a few hours.

His mind lost in drowsiness didn't even recognise the sound of the door opening and footsteps ecohoing through the apartment. Minho's loud thoughts completely blocking out the sound, while little snores left his parted lips in preparation for the sleep that was slowly creeping up.

"You look like a kitten when you sleep"

Minho jerked up his head, gaze frantically moving towards the voice, as if he was suddenly put in a trance, the sound that Minho was so familiar with yet everytime the other spoke he would still find himself lost just by the soft spoken words that fell from his lips.

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