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Ignoring problems was something Minho had grown used to.

Whenever faced with an issue he either couldn't understand or just couldn't figure out he would simply ignore it until it finally went away, but this was something Minho couldn't simply ignore. The feeling eating away at him — slowly growing each day making it harder to follow along his practical ignoring agenda.

Minho didn't quite understand where this implied thought of having to know what it would feel like to be touched by the all too familiar hands, and held with the love of another's.

It was the feeling of what it would be like loving Chan, it consumed him, always on his mind replaying itself, the constant thought of the other playing games with his too distracted heart.

Christmas was in a day and he had time to forget about these issues, especially with Jisung half shouting in the middle of target.

"Jinnie, what the fuck" Jisung's eyes were glaring holes into his oblivious boyfriend, who was too busy looking at some Christmas lights that were currently on sale.

"Don't be miserable Sungie, this is fun, we can bond while looking for Christmas decorations" he smiled at himself, a slight skip in his step as he browsed all the trees on display.

"Yeah but why at 8 in the morning on a Saturday, one day before Christmas?"

"Well you see, I thought why not wait until the last day and then all the stuff will be on sale for cheap"

Minho loved Hyunjin, he really did, but sometimes he had to admit sometimes his attempted plans at cheap skating life infuriated him, knowing Jisung probably felt the exact same way.

"Jinnie, the reason it's on sale is because no one fucking wants it" he managed to say between gritted teeth, another glare directed at the shocked older.

"Oh, but I thought you'd want to —" Hyunjin's eyes full of hurt caused something to change, Jisung's previous annoyance disappearing "Well whatever it doesn't even matter, just get whatever" Hyunjin walked past Jisung pushing the trolly to the next aisle

Minho awkwardly following along the silent couple, letting himself mistakingly get lost in his thoughts.

After the whole talk he had with Sihyeon, he had decided to leave and not stay the night which Minho realised wasn't the best decision knowing how awkward their next encounter was going to be. Minho didn't have any work due to the Christmas break, leaving him deprived from the other male.

There had been many times Minho wanted to text the older but found himself staring at the flickering text point for hours, his mind completely blank when it came to Chan.

"Hey Min, are you good?"

Jisung was ringing up the items they had chosen at the till Hyunjin's doe eyes staring at him awaiting his answer. "you seem distracted"

"Oh yeah, don't worry I'm good," they walked out of the store, letting the cold envelope them, white puffs of air escaping after each breath "just tired that's all"

"Stop lying, we all know when you're thinking about something important your eyebrows do this thing," he nonchalantly said while placing the bags in the back of the car.

"The only thing of importance right now is—" he was shut up by a hand to his mouth and a death glare. "Finish that and I'll spoil the end of little nightmares 2"

"No!" Jisung flinched upon overhearing Minho's threat. "I only got the game yesterday!"

As soon as they entered Hyunjin put the heating on, the car slowly getting warmer. Jisung looked through the review mirror, a worried look on his face. Minho thought Jisung looked like a baby, his features soft and delicate similar to Hyunjin in ways but very different in others

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