Hanako: Going to the zoo, going to the zoo, sexy, sexy fishies I luv you!
*kou smacks him*
Mitsuba: Well I'm cuter than all those fishes so screw you CrazyKnife!
Hanako: Call me that again, and I will become CrazyKnife.
Mitsuba: Eep!
Tsuchugomori: Oh, cmon! He's already died twice. You don't have to scare him to death. (I'm sorry)
Yashiro: Let's just all calm down and go to the zoo.
Hanako: Sexy fishies here I come!
Kou: Hanako! Stop being a weirdo!!!!!
Yashiro: Don't ask for the impossible.
Mitsuba: Lol. He is so crazy over a fish.
Tsuchigomori: I'm so done with life. *jumps into fish tank*
Hanako: Nooooooooooooo! Get out da waaaaaay! Your in my sexy fishes waaaaaaaay!
Yashiro: Hanako-kun, stop yelling! Your attracting attention.
*Teru comes in being carried by his fans*
Yashiro: Minamoto-senpai!
Teru: I heard all the yelling. Is everything okay?
Hanako: Not while your here! LEAVE!
Kou: My brother isn't a monster... he won't hurt you guys.
Hanako: He might not hurt you guys but he'll definitely hurt me!
Teru: I just came to enjoy the zoo. And clean up any trash on the way.
Hanako: Yashiro! Save meeeee!
Yashiro: Would you like to come with us?
Hanako: YASHIRO?!
Tsuchigomori: An exotic butterfly... its looks tasty.
Yashiro: Please dont eat it. It's one of a kind.
*Tsukasa, whilst holding a pen*
Tsukasa: Amane! What a coincidence!!!
Mitsuba:*cough cough* you followed us here.
Tsukasa: I always wanted to see the inside of a fish. So I'm gonna dissect one! Wanna help, Mistuba?
Mistuba: Not really. You and CrazyKnife should do it! Aha ha.
Tsukasa: Hmm... alright then! Amane, do you-
Hanako: Nooooope! I'm here for the sexy fishes only! If you kill my sexy fishes I will kill you.
Tsukasa: Awwww, that's no fun! Amane, please?
Hanako: No. no. NO. Now if you'll excuse me.
Tsukasa: Boring.
Hanako: Wait- Yashiro is a fish too, right?
Yashiro: No I'm not! Plz no!!!
Hanako: Heh. Get in dat water!
Kou: Hanako wtf are you doing?!
Hanako: Nothing! Don't hit me!
Teru: Yashiro-san, is this supernatural bothering you? If so... *brings out sword*
Hanako: I'm gonna dieeeeee!
Mistuba: Your already dead.
Hanako: Shut up!
Kou: Omae wa moe, sHiNdErU
Tsuchigomori: Alright, I have a headache now. Shut up and let's go home.
Yashiro: What was the point of coming here? They're always like this.
Tsuchigomoru: Honorable Number Seven begged to go to the zoo so he could see the 'sexy fishes'. I just wanted him to shut up.
Yashiro: I see...
Mistuba: Let's go before I get a stress pimple!
Kou: Alright prettypinkprincess.
Yashiro: Wait! It's fine! We don't have to argue!
Hanako: Tsukasa.
Tsukasa: Hmm?
Hanako: Get off.
Tsukasa: No.