A little more

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5 weeks had pasted since that night.

And ever since that day, they've been hanging out. Mikey didn't feel alone anymore. Him and Oroku have been training harder and getting closer, he even started talking to Baxter stockman.

Although they weren't close, they had a few conversations about what they hated about each other and how baxter wanted to double mutate Mikey with the most ugliest animal in the world. It was a daily thing they started to do.

But one other thing was that him and rahzar weren't even talking to each other. The only times Mikey would try to talk to rahzar was when he would escort Mikey to the dojo for training. He knew rahzar hated his guts but something inside him wanted to be friends with and something else inside him didnt want to care.

As for tiger claw and Fishface, they both knew Mikey was trainning and hanging out with Oroku so that means Mikey meant something to to him. Fishface greets Mikey in the mornings but usually tiger claw wasnt always around. When Mikey does see him they would only wave at each other or give a nod.

To mikey... this felt nice. He was finally becoming stronger and he was gaining new friendships with that.

Until this happened.

"Hey pipsqueak!" Rahzar said slamming open Baxter stockman's door to his lab.

"Diiddntt I teell yoo-" Baxter gets shoved out the was by rahzar.

"Master shredder wants you, come on." He grabs ahold of Mikey shell and drags him out.

"Bye Baxter!" Mikey yelled waving.

"Heeeyyy, I'm not doonnee wiiith hiimm!" Baxter yelled.

Soon enough rahzar and Mikey make it to shredder  who is just sitting on his throne.

"I've brought him master." Rahzar said letting go of Mikey who stumbled a little.

"Good job, you may leave." Shredder said standing up.

Rahzar bowed and left.

Mikey smiled when shredder walked over and stood in front of him.

"Hey Oroku, what's up?" Mikey asked.

"You've grown a lot since the first time I met you." Shredder said.

It was true, mikey had got a little taller, skinnier, and had more muscles.

"I want you to have this."

Oroku held out a lime green bandanna to Mikey.

Mikey's eyes were wide as he gasped in shock.

"Well you dont need to wear it but I would like it if you kept it-" Shredder stopped talking when Mikey grabbed it.

Mikey looked at it and flashed back to the memories with his long time enemy.

Then he thought about his mask. Orange meant optimistic, independent, Adventurous, and creativity... he was none of those things.

Mikey slowly takes off his orange mask and tied it around his arm.

"What does the color mean?" Mikey asked as he started to put it on.

Shredder smiled under his mask, overjoyed to see his son- I mean his student putting on his present.

"It means fertility, dependability, kindness, harmony, and growth."

Mikey smiled at the word growth. He was growing finally and someone told him.

Mikey tied it tight and looked up and Oroku with smiles on their faces.

"Thank you Oroku sensei!" Mikey said bowing.

Shredder heart jumped when he heard Mikey add that word sensei to his name. This is the happiest he's been ever since karai left.




Rahzar and Fishface saw the whole thing. "Woah, master shredder smiles?" Fishface asked in shock.

"I guess so." Rahzar said leaning back in shock too.

"I cant believe this..."

Rahzar and fishface looked over to see tiger claw leaning against the wall with his hands crossed. Rahzar immediately knew he was sad, but about what?

"Dude, are you-"

The doors suddenly opened and on the other side was Mikey. "Hey guys, Shredder is taking us out to eat!" Mikey yelled with joy.





It felt good not having to hide in the shadows for once. They were at one of shredder's restaurants and the people who worked there didn't react to seeing 5 muntants. I guess they've seen weirder stuff before.

"What the hell is happening right now?" Rahzar whispered to Baxter stockman.

Fishface elbows Rahzar. "Dont question it, this is the first meal we've ever gotten that was this good, just enjoy it!" Fishface immediately started eating it.

Rahzar and baxter looked at each other before scarfing it down as well.

Mikey smiled as he sat down next to Oroku. He notices that tiger claw hasn't touched his food.

"Arent you going to eat?" Mikey asks.

"Yes, I am." Tiger claw said as the waiter walked up and settled down a big plate of stake.

Mikey laughs and eats as well.

They soon started talking.

They were laughing too as if they were family.

"I would like to say something." Oroku said standing up, giving all attention to him.

"I would like to say that I'm happy that I chose you guys as my henchmen and I'm glad Michelangelo is here with us."

Oroku said making everyone smile.

"And I'm also glad to have you as my second in command." Oroku said touching tiger claw's shoulder.

Tiger claw looked at him in shock before smiling.

"And also..." Shredder looked at Mikey.

"I would like it if you stayed with after trainning... even if it's just for a while." Oroku said

Mikey looked around at everyone.

"I-I meeann, itzzz be niczzz with you I guezzz." Baxter stuttered and looked away.

"Yeah, if we can get special treatment like this all the time then you should stay." Fishface said with a chuckle.

"I'm okay with you, the lair hasn't been this bright before." Tiger claw said

"I guess you're okay." Rahzar mumbled.

Mikey grinned widely as tears filled his eyes and immediately spilled.

"Y-yes, I'll stay a L-little more!"

Change comes from pain [TMNT a Original Mikey Story]Where stories live. Discover now