Change in mind

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Mikey rushed through the sewers with the mutant alligator still on his tail. "WAIT, I WANT DOING ANYTHING I WAS ONLY LOOKI- AAAH!!" The alligator knocked Mikey forward hitting the wall in front. Mikey groaned in pain and held his head. Mikey immediately looked at the alligator when it growled again.

Mikey's heart jumped in terror when he saw the alligator was getting closer. Mikey scooted back against the wall as his heart started to pound.

'W-where are my brothers?!' Mikey wondered scanning around to see if his brothers had appeared.

They were nowhere in sight.

Mikey slowly looked back at the alligator to see it was even closer then before he had looked away.

'I-I just need to hold on for a w-while.' Mikey quickly stood up and unstealthed his weapons. "My brother's are going to be here soon." Mikey reassured himself.





Leo and the others were getting ready for patrol when Donnie realized something.

"Hey guys, where's mikey?" Donnie asked looking at his two brothers.

Leo sighs. "He's probably still skateboarding in the sewers-"

Raph cuts him off. "Whatever, let's just go patrolling without him, theres three of us anyways!"

Donnie sighs. "No raph, we need Mikey."

"Without him the team would feel kinda unbalanced and plus this is a four mutant squad." Leo explained walking to the exit of their lair.

Raph groans. "Fine."

The 3 of them set out to find their little brother.





Mikey's POV




It only took the alligator 4 minutes to get ahold of me.

I was barely conscious but I could feet a liquid fall down my shoulder on to the ground.

Wake up, the battle isn't over..

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself dangling so I looked up.

My arm was inside the alligators mouth as blood flooded down my shoulder and side.

The pain soon became visible and unbearable. I tried to yank away, this only caused the alligator to bite down harder making me cry out in pain.

I started to hyperventilate and look around for my brothers.

Still.. no sight of them.

Tears immediately swelled up in my eyes and fell.


Third person's POV

Mikey cried out for his brothers non stop until the alligator dropped him on to the ground with a hard smack. Mikey started to shake violently when the the mutant opened its mouth again and went down to eat Mikey whole.

Reality struck Mikey. They weren't going to get here in time to save him. Who knows..

They probably weren't coming at all.

More tears fell from Mikey's face as he didn't deny that could be the truth.

No one is coming for you, they probably you're too much of a liability, a weakling to come and save.

But who needs saving when you can save yourself.

And if you cant do that

Go down fighting.

Then he got angry.

Mikey slid backwards as the alligator chomped down, only capturing Mikey's leg.

I'm not weak.

Mikey grunts and kicks the alligator hard in the face making it whine and let go of his leg, his bloody injured let appeared. And yet, mikey slowly stood up.

I can walk this off.

Mikey sees one of his nunchucks. He slowly limped over to it and picked it up. Right after he picked it up, he was rammed straight into a wall. Mikey's vision almost failed but he was able to bounce back after a few seconds. Mikey puked up to blood as he felt something inside of his break.

Pain can guide me.

Mikey slowly looked at his nunchucks. Suddenly his hand moves on it's own and unstealthed the blade inside. The alligator backed off of Mikey and Mikey fell on one knee, one of his hands held the blade as his head hanged low.

One of us have to die.

Change comes from pain [TMNT a Original Mikey Story]Where stories live. Discover now