Back on the streets

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A few more days had passed.

Mikey and rahzar were starting to connect. They even started to watch rahzar's old shows from when he was human. Oroku's aching pain about karai soon subsided from the fact Mikey was there to distract him from it. Even from when he lost Tang shen. He soon became a little kinder to his henchman which made them very happy.

One day Mikey and Oroku were training in the dojo when tiger claw ran in.

"Master shredder, something happened to rahzar!" Tiger claw yelled.





Rahzar was laying on the couch. One of the bones on his right arm was broken and another bone o his leg was broken as well. There was a few cracks on his snout and he was also groaning.

Fishface gasped. "My word, what happened?"

"Some jerks with red spider tattoos overpowered me and beat me up." Rahzar mumbled.

"Heerrree thiizzz s-shooouuuld heeellpp." Baxter said flying up with a cup of something and giving it to Rahzar.

Rahzar immediately drinks it. "T-thanks."

"Tiger claw." Oroku spoke.

Tiger claw looked at him. "Yes master shredder?"

"I want you and Fishface to pay these guys a visit."

Fishface and tiger claw smirk and bow.

"Of course master shredder."

"I-I want to go to!" Mikey said raising his hand.

Oroku was taken back for a second, so was the others.

Mickey raises a eyebrow. "What, I just want to put my training to use a-and plus they are bad guys."

Oroku stood there thinking before saying anything. "Okay, you can go."

Mikey smiled widely before fist pumping the air. "Alright, I'll meet you guys at the front door!" Mikey bolted out the room.

Right when he left, Oroku turned back to tiger claw.

"Do not let him get hurt."





Tiger claw, Fishface, and Mikey wandered the New York streets at night, looking for the mysterious people who hurt there friend.

"Wow, it's been a while since I've been around here." Mikey said walking backwards as he looked around.

"Well you could see it more if you were..."

Mikey had stopped listening to fishface when he was the stars. Every since he was a child he always wanted to touch them. They were able to shine and be seen by everyone. Something he wasnt able to do. Mikey knew if he were to die, he would want to be reborn as a star.

Then he would bee seen.

And people would love him.

"Did you hear what I was saying?" Fishface asked nudging Mikey.

Mikey snapped out of his daydream.

"O-oh ahaha... no?"

Tiger claw burst into loud laughter and Fishface facepalmed.

Mikey chuckled and realized something.

"Oh guys, follow me!" Mikey said running into an alley.

Tiger claw and Fishface watch him for a second before going after.

They follow him up a fire escape, leading them on to the roof of a building.

"Woah, this is nice." Fishface said looking over to the rest of city.

Tiger claw said nothing but only took in the site with Mikey.

They only stood there for a while until Mikey turned and went to the edge of the building.

"... what are you doing?" Tiger claw asks.

"... do you guys wanna building hop with me?" Mikey asked.

They started at each other for a while.

"Heh, sure why not?" Tiger claw said as he started to stretch his legs making Mikey smile.

"I guess so- wait, but what if I fall?" Fishface questioned.

Mikey gives him a closed eyes smile. "Then I'll catch you."

Hearing that lowered Fishface's fear of splatting all over the concrete.

And just like after that, they were off.

Change comes from pain [TMNT a Original Mikey Story]Where stories live. Discover now