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Mikey walked the streets alone as thunder was heard from the now gray sky.

'I cant go back... what do I do now?' Mikey wondered as he looked up at the sky.

The stars were gone because the clouds were blocking them. This just made him more upset then he already was.


The first drop of rain was followed by more.

He thought it would've been great to be outside again.

Now he just wanted to go back to shredder's lair and lie down.

"Well well, what do we have here~?"

Mikey immediately looked around while getting into fighting stance.

"Another merchandise, but not just any merchandise."

The sound of heels were heard.

"A very unique one."

Mikey gets kicked in the back of his head  and flies at the wall.

"AGH!" Mikey lands on all fours and looks at the person.

There stood a women. She had black straight hair with bangs but the ends were curled. She was slim thick and was wearing a black jumpsuit with showed off her body slightly with a blue jacket that went down to her feet.

Mikey's eyes widened when he saw the spider tattoos on her arms. There was one spider on each arm and it looked like the web going down her arms.

More men emerged from the shadows.

"Hello my precious, why dont you come with me?" As the woman walked up Mikey quickly kicked her in the back making her stumble back.

The men seemed to react slightly and step forward if needed.

The woman held her nose and giggled. "Well... that's not how you treat a woman~"

In a flash she had her hand around mikey's throat and slammed him into the concrete.

Mikey growled. He couldn't look hurt. That would raise her confidence in winning.

"Now now, you're gonna come with me without anymore of a fight or I'll just have to hurt you to where you cant fight anymore." Her red eyes seemed to flash for a second scaring Mikey.

'Nonono, dont freeze up Michelangelo, you need to get out of this!'

Mikey took a deep breath and flip her over his head. She flew past her men and landed near the alley.

"That's it, break his legs!" The woman yelled as Mikey got up.

Mikey and the men started to fight.

Long minutes passed and he started to get tired. It seemed the enemies started to double.

'It looks like she calling in more men so I can get tired, I need to get out of here.'

Mikey uses one of the guys as a shield to run through the men and away from them.

As he ran away two of the men helped up their female leader. 

"Oh he wont get far~"





Mikey's legs started to get tired but his enemies never stopped chasing him.

"TIGER CLAW, FISHFACE WHERE ARE YOU?!" Mikey hollered as he turned into an alley.

A dead end.

Mikey quickly looked around for a fire escape but there wasn't one.

As he looked for an exit he caught a glimpse of something.

The sewer lid.

This was his only was out-

Mikey feels something slice him in the arm.

"F*CK!!" Mikey yelled holding his arm.

Something shot him but he could already tell who it was. Mikey immediately ran to the sewer lid, jumped in, and closed it.

Once he got down there and ran and ran.

The enemy never came after him.

Mikey sighed and looked around. Even though the sewers kinda looked the same, he remembered this part of the sewers.

He remembered the times with his brothers.

The times with April and Casey.

The times the mighty mutanimals.

These were times he would never get back.

Mikey sighed and kept walking.

Soon after walking for a few minutes, an aching pain came from his injured arm. Mikey looked at the would to see it swelling and turning red.

Then it hit him.

Mikey started to speed walk, desperately looking for an exit of the sewers.

In a few hours he new the pain was going to get worse.

Because he was poisoned.

What did he expect, the thing they shot at him only grazed him and it hurted like hell though. If he didnt get out of here he was going to die.

Soon enough the pain got worse. He started to stumble and lean against the wall.

'Hah... this moment reminds me if something.'

Mikey flashes back to the time he thought he had defeated the muntant alligator that almost killed him.

After flashing back he tumbles to the ground, hurting the side of his head.

'Well, at least that lady did...nt catch me...'

All of Mikey's vision faded to black as he slipped into a dream he probably wouldn't wake up from.

Change comes from pain [TMNT a Original Mikey Story]Where stories live. Discover now