One last time

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(Sexual stuff ahead-)

Mikey slowly woke up to the sun hitting his eyes. But something felt different. When opened his eyes and sat up.

Juro was gone.

Mikey sighed and slid off the bed. 'Of course he's gone... but why should I care?'

"Are you looking for that guy?"

Mikey quickly looked over to see tiger claw with a smirk on his face.

"Where is he?" Mikey said standing up.

Toger claw shrugs. "Master shredder walked in on you guys sleeping together and told the guy to get out since he thought he was some type of creep."

Mikey deathpanns. "Wow."

Tiger claw laughs. "Just kidding." He went from a smile to a straight face. "Hes downstairs talking to master shredder in the kitchen."

Mikey's eyes widen and he bolted out the door. He slid into the kitchen and gasped at what he saw.

Oroku and juro were just talking and drinking coffee.

Oroku sees Mikey and turns to him. "Oh, I see you rushed down here to see your boyfriend."

Mikey's face became as red as a tomato. "D-dad, he's not my boyfriend!" Mikey yelled.

Oroku chuckles and looks back at his coffee. "Suuurrrreeee."

Mikey scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm hungry." Mikey walked over to the fridge and grabbed two slices of pizza. He heated them up and headed to the living room to watch TV.

"It was nice talking to you, ima go with Mikey." Juro said getting up.

"It was nice talking to you too." Oroku chuckled.

Juro walked into the living room and sat next to Mikey.

"Heh, you know your dad was joking right?" Juro chuckled.

Mikey blushed slightly. "I-i know that-"

Mikey face was suddely forced to turn to Juro by his chin. Now Juro's and Mikey's faces were inches apart. Mikey eyes widened in shock.

"Or do you want that to be true~" Juro whispered.

Mikey blushes even more and stared into his diamond eyes

Juro chuckled and was about to pull away. "I was just kidding-"

Juro was pulled into a kiss. Juro was shocked for a second before kissing back. The kiss deepened as Juro pushed Mikey down on to the couch without breaking the kiss. Mikey head went blank as he felt up Juro's torso.

"WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, WHATS ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" Fishface yelled in horror.

Mikey gasped and shoved Juro off. "I-I CAN EXPLAIN!"

Fishface laughs, confusing the scared teens.

"Just kidding, go wild but not on the couch." Fishface said walking away.

Mikey blushed in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his head. 'What I supposed to say now, me and Juro literally just-'

A laugh erupted from behind Mikey. Mikey turned and saw juro laughing to the point he looked like was going to cry.

"Ima go ahead and leave." Juro walked to the window and got into it.

Mikey blushes and nods. "O-okay, I'll see you later."

Juro hops out the window and climbs down torwards the alley.





Juro got back to his abandoned apartment and walked to his kitchen. Memories from the event with Mikey flooded his mind, making him blush and smile. To Juro, mikey felt different than the girls he used to date when he was human. Back when he was fully human, he was the popular kid. His whole life was based around perfection and if he were to ever screw up his whole school life was going to be going to be hell until he graduated. So he accepted the fact he had fake friends and every expected him to be Mr. Perfect. Until one day, he was sitting under a tree and some mutagen fell out the sky and on to his head. And now he was a mutant.

But he was happy this way. He had no expectations to live up to anymore and that made him feel free. He was even happier now that he found Mikey. Mikey was funny, goofy, and strong.

"He's really something else." Juro mumbled smiling.

"Who is something else?"

Juro's eyes widen. Without looking at the person, he immediately reached for a knife. But he stopped midway realizing they were all gone.

Juro slowly turned torwards Himari who was holding all the knives in one hand.

Himari smirked. "Hello my beautiful merchandise~"

Before Juro could react, he was pinned to the wall by all the knives Himari was just holding. Juro gasped in pain as the knives pierced his hands and wings.

"Will ever just leave me alone?!" Juro yelled in anger.

Himari giggled. "But I need you." She walked torwards him and leaned towards his face. "Just one last time~"

//AN//: hey everyone, the story is slowly inching torwards its end. I'm trying to decide if the ending will be sad (because making people cry is my specialty) or make it happy. Dont worry, ill be able to decide by the next chapter, peace out ✌

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