Chapter 23 : Open Up

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P'Jen and the rest who are watching them are giggling in the sidelines. Squealing at the couples undeniable chemistry.

While Krist is actually touched at Singto's words, he reminded himself that it was all an act so that he wouldn't lose focus.

"Yuck, P!", he responded, feeling giddy and embarrassed which made everyone present laugh. Singto chuckled at his lover's reaction. Especially after he saw how Krist's ears turned into crimson red in an instant.

"Is it too much?", Singto asked, suppressing his laughter.

Krist just rolled his eyes, avoiding Singto's gaze.

"That's good. We suddenly turned into air. You two have your own world.", P'Jen commented still swooning over the romantic vibe these two are exhibiting.

"Your turn, baby Krist.", she then instructed, smiling from ear to ear.

Krist starts to get his self control back, pacifying his heart's eratic behavior. He looks at his beloved man's face and cleared his mind. He thought of the things he likes about this man in front of him.

"Singtuan..", he uttered. Singto felt a warm caress in his heart upon hearing how Krist adressed him. It sounded that all Krist's feelings were placed in that one word. His smile faded away and he unconsciously looked back into Krist's eyes, full of fondness.

 His smile faded away and he unconsciously looked back into Krist's eyes, full of fondness

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"What I like about you.. Is your calmness in every situation. Whenever I feel lost or troubled, you are my shelter from all the chaos. Your kindness too gives a warm feeling and the sense of being welcomed wholeheartedly. Being with you is being home.", he said with all sincerity. Singto looked down, as he almost teared up at Krist's speech.

"If you only knew how much I want to keep you home.", Singto thought to himself but bit his lip instead, controlling his emotions. Krist turned his gaze away as he realized he opened his heart in public.

"Of course as a brother. We are like a family.", he then said , trying to throw everyone off the truth. Singto chuckled, gazing again at Krist.

"Is that, ok? I did good, right?", he asked P'Jen, forcing a wide smile, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Wait.. My knees are shaking. This is just so sweet. Are you sure it was just acting?", the coach replied, stuck between giggles and tearing up.

"Did I just watch a wedding vow? I feel so single right now. I need a boyfriend!". she teased.

Everyone clapped at their 'splendid acting'. The couple then got up and took a bow.

"Fine. Let's move on. I hope my heart can handle more of these.", she said as she looked at the other two pairs.

Krist and Singto went into a corner, happily cuddling up together as they wait and watch the other couples.

Krist and Singto went into a corner, happily cuddling up together as they wait and watch the other couples

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Off and Gun went ahead and sat at the center voluntarily. They faced each other, both are clueless on what to say.

"Hmm.. What I like about, P'Off..", the little guy began speaking. He paused for a moment, slightly pouted his lips as if thinking thoroughly. Off is silently looking at him, waiting patiently.

"I like how sensitive you are towards your friends and family. Though I thought you are cold and apathetic. I think you are actually a warm and thoughtful person. I'd love to know more about you though. Maybe become good friends? ", Gun said. It just came out of his mouth naturally.

He remembered how Off noticed Krist was flushed during their photoshoot which means that the tall guy is observant. And when his step-brother Newwiee insisted to stay in their room and sharing his bed even if he doesn't really need to which means he can also be considerate. He smiled thinking about it and the silliness that happened after, unconsciously warmly smiling at Off.

Off was surprised at how Gun fondly described him. He suddenly felt shy about it but couldn't take his eyes off this adorable lad. He just had a slow motion moment while Gun was speaking. And when Gun smiled at him, the world seemed to move even slower and in his eyes this little guy's face is blooming while his heart started skipping it's beat.

 And when Gun smiled at him, the world seemed to move even slower and in his eyes this little guy's face is blooming while his heart started skipping it's beat

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"Alaiwa?!", he exclaimed absentmindedly. Confused at what is going on with his senses. Gun's smiling face instantly changed into a puzzled look.

"Eh?", the cutie man asked him, tilting his head.

It's just then that he realized he said it out loud as he looked around and everyone including Singto, Krist, Tay, New, Jennie, and the rest of the crew are looking at him in the same puzzled faces.

He is so embarrassed and confused he couldn't continue at what they are doing. He stood up and walked out of the room as everyone, except New, watches him go.

New automatically followed his P, worrying. He found Off standing in the hallway, facing up, eyes closed and biting his lower lip, holding his nape, looking troubled.

"What is going on with you, Off Jumpol?!", he chided himself, letting out a big sigh.

"Hey, P. You alright?", New approached him.

"Uh.. I don't think so. I think I needed to go for a check up.", he replied.

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