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It was a cold winter of July 2020.
Ruby just finished high school and she was moving in a new apartment that she shared with her best friend Lilith. Those two have been best friends since middle school , surprisingly they have gotten into the same high school and the same university. It was a drama university, Ruby and Lilith both wanted to be actresses , they always found acting amusing.

Ruby was born in Wales , so was Lilith. They grew up in Aberystwyth , attended middle and high school there and now they've moved to Cardiff for Uni.
Ruby found it very hard to move away because she loved the city , the people and the culture. Lilith on the other hand couldn't wait to leave , she hated that town. It was mostly because Ruby was from the richer families and Lilith was from the poorer.

It's surprising that the two girls are even best friends because they're two different people , Lilith is more lets say soft and sensitive and Ruby is edgy and rough.
Opposites attract right?

Lilith believed in things that Ruby didn't like love. Lilith has always had this perfect idea of love and falling in love , she's also had better experiences than Ruby, Ruby hated the idea of love. Her parents divorced when she was 5 , that was when she realised love didn't really exist, she never believed that anyone could love one person all their life and that it could make her happy. Her experiences with love weren't the best , her past relationships have been toxic and since the age of 16 she hasn't been with anyone , she was too afraid she'll get hurt again, she would reject everyone that has ever found interest in her.

But is there a chance Ruby might be able to fall in love , properly for the first time?

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