Chapter 1 - Moving

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"Ru when will you be coming back?" My mother screamed from the kitchen
"Mum I don't know , Lil and I are still settling down in our apartment and we need to organise things and fit into the city culture before I can come back here" I said loading up the trunk of my car , the whole day I have spent packing up and cleaning all of my things in my old house.
"Don't forget this box , it has all of your vinyls in it" Mum handed me a very heavy box labeled VINYLS.
"Thanks mum , I'll make sure that I will visit as soon as I can" I gave her one last hug and got into my car.
"I'll miss you Ru"
"I'll miss you too mama" I always called her that whenever I was going somewhere .
I sat in my car and started the engine and drove off. Now to Cardiff we go.

It has now been 3 hours since I have left Aberystwyth and I have finally arrived in Cardiff. It's currently 8pm and I am so bloody tired from all the travelling and packing. I will unload my car tomorrow because right now I can't even hold one box.

I lock my car and head up to the apartment.
"Lil I'm home!" I scream. No reply but I do hear the sound of someone snoring. I walk into the living room to see Lilith passed out on the couch.
God damn it again? I think to myself
This is the third day she has gotten drunk off her ass and been passed out on the couch. Lately she's been buying this beer thingy that has gotten addicted , I am lowkey worried about her.

I decide to call it a day and head off to bed, I do my daily face washing routine and get into bed , I scroll through social media for a little while and then eventually end up falling asleep.


Hi! This is a short chapter but I promise the next ones will be longer.

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