Chapter 3 - The call

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It has exactly been a week since I have met Taron and gotten his number. I still haven't called him , I've been very anxious and afraid to do so, I did some research on him too. I wanted to see if he has Facebook or something, but boy did I find way more than I expected. This "Taron" that I have became friends with is THE Taron Egerton , the man who plays Elton John in Rocketman. I still haven't seen the movie so I guess that's why I haven't recognised him but I've seen Robin Hood and he's in that film but I guess he looked way different than he does now.
I told Lilith and she was very shocked , her immediate reaction was "OMG YOU NEED TO DATE AND YOU'LL BE RICH" classic Lilith. I reckoned it wouldn't be the best to date someone famous since you'd be really out there in the world. And Taron and I barely know each other so there's no way we could date and also he has a girlfriend, so that's the end to that.

"You gonna call him today?" Lilith said as she came into the kitchen. I woke up like a hour ago so I was currently eating some cereal.
"Look I don't know , wouldn't it be weird if I just called him...I don't want to throw myself at him yknow" I said , I was really scared to call incase his girlfriend picks up or he doesn't even pick up. Also what would I even say? Hey Taron wanna go for a coffee? That's too weird.

"RU WAKE UP! He gave you his damn number so he clearly wanted you to call him , he's probably waiting for his phone to ring any minute now!" She shouted in my face.
"Jeez okay calm down , I'll call him" I said , picked up my phone and took the little note out of my hoodie pocket.
"Its cute how you keep that note with you" Lil smirked. I just laughed and dialled the number. It ringed a couple times before I heard a mans voice.
"Who's this?" The man on the other side asked.
"Um hi this is Ruby" I said , I really hoped that it was Taron speaking.
"OH MY GOD RUBY! Hi! I've been waiting for you to call me all week , what took you so long" He laughed, god that laugh.
"Um my uh phone was broken" I made up a terrible excuse.
"Oh okay..." He mumbled.
"Yeah it smashed while I was moving stuff around my apartment" I said hoping to make him believe me.
"Oh okay , I assume your phone is okay now?" He asked.
"Yes it's in its complete state" I said and smiled like an idiot. Lilith was looking at me with a smirk on her face.
"Soo...I'm in town for a little while , are you free right now? I'm about to go for a walk and maybe we could meet up?" He asked. Was he really asking me to meet up right now?
"Uhh yeah sure" I said.
"I'll come down to your apartment and we could head from there, is that okay with you?" He asked , why does he have to be such a gentleman?
"Yeh that's fine , give me 20 minutes please" I said. Lilith was basically jumping in her chair right now.
"Okay , see you there Ruby" Taron said with his voice sounding extra sexy.
"Okay see you Taron" I said and hung up.

"OH MY GOD ITS A DATE!" Lil screamed.
"No its just a meet up" I couldn't hold back the smile on my face, to be honest I quite missed Taron , his voice and his toothy smile.
"You're smiling this is rare.." Lilith pointed out.
"Pfft what no" I said nervously.
"Okay go get ready love bird" she punched my shoulder and went to her room.
I placed my now empty bowl of cereal in the sink and went to my room to get dressed. God what was I going to wear? We're in the middle of winter in Cardiff and weather changes throughout the day like twenty times. I search through my clothes to find something comfortable and not too fancy , this wasn't a date anyway.
I settled with a black cropped t-shirt , black skinny jeans and my blue denim jacket, I wore my black and white vans with that. I put on some mascara and red lip gloss , I couldn't be bothered to put on more make up. I grabbed my phone and wallet and put it in my handbag and left the apartment.
Surprisingly I thought I would be way too early but Taron was already waiting in front of my apartment building.

"Hello there Ruby" He smiled , god he had such a cute smile , I'll never get over that.
"Hello Taron" I smiled , I didn't know how to greet him like did he want a hug or shake hands or what. I walked towards him and just kinda stood there for a couple seconds as we stared at each other.
Suddenly he embraced me , his strong and muscly arms were around my back and his wide and strong body pressed against mine. I obviously hugged back.
I expected him to let go off me very fast but surprisingly he held me for a couple of seconds.

"That was a long hug" I laughed.
"Yeah" he mumbled as he let go off me.
"Shall we get going?" He asked trying to make the situation less awkward.
"Yes of course" I smiled and we walked off.

"So how have you been?" He asked me.
"I've been good , just adjusting my apartment and cleaning my room and buying new furniture and all, what about you?"
"I've uh ... I've been good! My two little sisters are visiting me right now so I've been spending time with them" He has two little sisters? That's cute.
"Oh cool I didn't know you had siblings , did you leave them in your apartment all alone?" I laughed.
"Oh no, my mother is with them" He had a serious look on his face but I could see he was holding a laugh back
"Oh okay just making sure incase they're not like burning you apartment down"  I joked.
"Yes of course they're burning my apartment now" He laughed.
"That would be quite tragic" I said.
"Yeah , yeah it would" He said and went quiet after. We were currently walking around town and I'm pretty sure we were heading to the local park. We walked in silence for a little a while , it wasn't awkward silence , it was comfortable.

"So uh you never told me where you're from, unless you were born here then that's a dumb question" He yet laughed again.
"Oh no I was born and raised in Aberystwyh" I said.
"No way! Me too!" He said with a surprised tone.
"Oh that's so cool , so we've got something in common then?" I laughed and nudged his shoulder.
"Guess so" He smiled.
And that's how our walk went , we got to know each other way better. I told him about my life back home and he told me about his , he still didn't mention he was an actor. Maybe he didn't want to tell me just yet or he didn't want to bring it up.

We walked around town for a little while then we went to the park and sat down at a bench and talked more, we got some coffee too. Taron being the gentleman he is he payed for it even though I insisted.
Basically we were just walking for like 4 hours and talking.
Eventually we got back to my apartment.
"You wanna come in?" I asked him.
He looked down and his watch and nodded. He walked in and sat down on the couch while I went to make some green tea.
"Hey you want to order pizza? I haven't eaten a lot today and I'm pretty hungry" He shouted from the living room.
"If you want to but I don't mind since I'm basically starving" I said as I was pouring water into the cup.
While he ordered pizza I put down the cups on the table and sat down beside him on the couch.
"Yes that's perfect" He said and then asked me "you want ham and cheese pizza?" I didn't say anything and just nodded.  He ordered the one he wanted and then ended the call. He took a sip of his tea and we just sat there in silence again.
"You wanna watch a film? You can pick one while the pizza arrives" I offered.
"Yes sure" He said and grabbed the TV remote , he went straight to Netflix. Cliche shall I say.

After a couple of minutes the pizza arrived and so did my roommate Lilith , when she walked in she looked shocked. I could see the surprise on Tarons face.
"Hey this is my roommate , Taron this is Lilith and Lilith this is my friend Taron" I said , Taron stood up and shook Lils hand.
"I've heard a lot about you from Ru" Lilith said , I wanted to punch her in the face right now.
"Only good things I hope" He laughed and looked back at me, I just laughed nervously.
"So I'll leave you guys here if anything I'm in room , please don't do anything that'll scare me for the rest of my life" She said as she left, before she closed the door she sent a wink my way. Taron just laughed and sat back down.
"Classic Lilith" I sighed.
"So I picked out this movie and I hope you like it" He said and put on Rocketman. He's really out here trying to show me that he's an actor.

I grabbed a slice of pizza and sat comfortably ready to watch the film.

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