Chapter 14 - Long night

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I must say my mums food is the best.
By the time dinner was ready all of my mums friends have left which I was very happy about because, some of them honestly made me very uncomfortable by the way they were looking at Taron and I , I could just feel them judging me.
But  that the dinner my mother cooked was absolutely delicious, I've literally got no words to describe it. It was just amazing, I've never tasted like that before , I could Taron too because he had like 3 portions
I only had one because I didn't want to have a food baby and Taron had one instead of me , it was quite funny.

Now we were sitting in the living room and talking about life basically, I told my mother how Taron and I met and how we instantly clicked and Taron told them a bit about himself and we just had an amazing evening. It was lovely seeing my dad again and spending the time with him and mum.
But sadly the night was coming to an end.

"Thank you for having us" Taron said as we stood outside my childhood house.
"No problem! Please come around as soon as you guys can" My mother said and gave us both a hug , we all said our goodbyes and T and I drove off.
Now we had about 3 hours to drive back to Cardiff.

The drive felt very short because Taron and I spoke the whole way and T even sang a few songs for me and one of them was Honky Cat , we basically sang that as a duet. That song has always been my favourite off the Rocketman soundtrack.

As soon as we arrived at Tarons we were both really tired to we ended up going to bed.

"So my parents..." I said, Taron immediately put down the book he was reading a turned his attention to me.
"Yes?" He asked.
"What did you think?" I honest didn't know what he was going to say.
"They're nice" He said , I shouldn't have asked , I knew he found them quite annoying by the questions they would ask him about his career and everything.
"Okay" I said and just smiled , I could tell Taron wanted to say more.
"No seriously I mean it , they were nice and kind and fun to talk you" He grabbed my hand and brushed his finger over my palm.
"They're weren't annoying?" I was quite surprised he said they were fun to talk to.
"No of course not , yes they did ask a lot about my career and everything but I guess they really wanted to know a lot about their daughters boyfriend" He said and brought my hand up to his lips and planted a soft kiss on the side of my hand.
"I guess they do" I laughed a bit. It's still crazy to say that Taron is my boyfriend , to be honest it feels like we're more than just couple because we know each other so well.

"I love you" Taron suddenly blurted out. I sat up and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Are you high?" I asked , I was really shocked right now.
"No" He shook his head.
"I really do , I love you Ruby" He said and sat up and was looking at me as if I was the only thing left on earth.

"Taron I -" I said but I didn't know how to continue my sentence.
"Its okay if you don't , I'll completely understand , I just wanted to tell you" He said.
"Taron I love you too" I said and kissed him.
"You do?" He pulled away.
"Yes I do" I said and we continue to kiss.

The way he held me , made me feel so safe. I always felt safe whether I would with him or laying in his arms. I really did love him , he's everything I ever wanted , he's the perfect boyfriend he's literally the nicest and most understanding person I have ever met.
I literally don't know what I would do without him.

We laid my head on Tarons chest and slowly started to fall asleep but before I did I could hear Taron singing a song very quietly.

"I hope you don't mind , I hope you don't mind that I put down in words , how wonderful life is while you're in the world" and then he kissed my head and I could hear him continue singing the most.

Taron had the most angelic voice , he could literally sing any type of music. I loved his voice , especially when we would be walking down a road and he would just suddenly start singing , it was one of the cutest things ever.
T would always play my keyboard sometimes that I had in my apartment and he would sing songs for me and it would be one of the best experiences ever.
I especially loved when Taron and I would sing out our lungs together.

I eventually fell asleep to the sound of his sweet voice.

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