Chapter 8 - Start over?

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After the night that Taron left , that was the last time I've heard from him. He didn't text or call me, to be honest I didn't expect this but I think he understood that what we both did was a mistake. I was still hurting because I don't get to see him or spend time with him, but it was all for the best.

It has now been two weeks since we last spoke. I've seen the pictures from the Gala he attended all by himself, I was surprised he didn't take his family. I even watched an interview with him and they asked why he was all alone and his answer was because he didn't feel like taking anyone.

I could tell he was quite hurt and he seemed tired and upset , it almost looked like he hasn't slept at all. He looked like a complete mess.
I felt terrible because I knew that this was all my fault, I broke him, I completely cut him off. The part that surprised me the most was the interviewers asked where his girlfriend was and he said "First of all I'm not sure and second of all , Emily and I are just friends now".
So he must've broken up with her , I felt like it was my fault. That was all I've seen of him since the Gala. I didn't even bother anymore to look him up anymore, I needed to cut him off.

Today was a Monday and it was also my first day at Uni which meant I was very anxious. To be honest when I sat down in my first class everything seemed to be a less scary , the teachers were nice and so were my classmates.
For lunch I ended buying a salad because I wasn't very hungry but I knew that I needed to eat. I actually made a new friend called Matty , he was a really nice guy and his taste in fashion and music was really good , we had a lot in common.
I spoke to him for most of the day because we had the same classes.
By the end of school I was quite tired so I went straight home.

When I got home I heard someone talking in the living room and their voice sounded familiar. When I entered the living room I saw the person I didn't want to see. Taron.
Lilith was sitting beside him and they were having a casual conversation. As soon as my foot entered the living room Tarons eyes locked with mine , it felt like we froze time.

"Well...Lilith would you like to explain?" I snapped. She knew how much I didn't want to have him back in my life and now she did this?
"Look Ruby listen , I hate you seeing so miserable and I knew it started when you and Taron stopped talking! And Taron has been texting the whole two weeks asking me to persuade you to talk to him again, but instead of doing that I let him come over so you guys can talk!" She said and I could tell she really wanted the best for me.
"Lilith...can we talk in my room for a bit?" I said and she got up and we both went to my room.
"I TOLD YOU I DONT WANT TO SEE HIM ANYMORE!" I screamed at her , I was very angry.
"I know! But I know that he's the only thing that can make you happy! And I hate seeing you sad and angry all the time! I know you don't want him in your life but maybe him being in your life is a good thing" She said , I couldn't believe her.
"Lilith. I want him gone." I said.
"Just talk to him please" She said.
"There's nothing to talk about" I snapped.
"Just please" She said and I could tell she really wanted me to.

"Okay" I sighed and went back into the living room. When I entered the living room I saw Taron sitting down staring at his hands. Odd.

"Okay so" I said and sat down beside.
"Let me start please" He said, I nodded.
"So that night I left your apartment, I broke up with Emily. Our relationship wasn't good anyways turns out she was cheating on me this whole time , well we basically both were. After we broke up she came back here and took all her stuff from my house , so she's gone for good.
Please Ruby , can we start over" He said , I could tell he really wanted to.
"Wait she was cheating on you?" I asked.
"Yes" He said. I couldn't believe, why would someone cheat on someone like Taron? He's an amazing person and he's very talented. I knew his girlfriend was a bitch but not this much of one.
I had a hard decision to make , let Taron back into my life or let him go yet again.
"Please say something...I need you in my life" He whispered , his lip was trembling and his voice cracked at the last part.

"Taron I-" He cut me off.
"Please" He whispered , did I really want this?
"'re a nice guy  but I think we should stay friends" I said , I could see his face expression drop even more.
"Friends?" He asked, he seemed upset.
"Yes Taron, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship just yet" I said , I really wasn't ready to be in one because all of my past ones were either abusive or they left me broken and afraid.

"Okay..we can start off as friends , I just you back in my life" He smiled, I really did miss that smile.

"So friends?" I asked.
"Yes friends" His smile was even bigger by now. This must've been the first time I've smiled in 2 weeks.

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