Chapter 10 - Dinner

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I decided to wear a black with purple flowers lacy kind of dress, it wasn't very revealing but it did show quite a bit of skin I must admit. It wasn't tight either it was a bit flowy you could say.
I let me hair go down the middle as usual and I decided to put on some nude lipstick and winged eyeliner. I paired some plain black high too converse with my dress, grabbed my bag and looked at the clock. It was exactly 7 , Taron should be here any minute and that was when I heard the buzzer go off.

Taron was here. I took a quick peek out of the window and saw him looking up at my bedroom window while he was leaning on his car.
He very handsome , he was wearing a white t-shirt with this brown shirt thing on top, black jeans and his classic black boots. I swear I've never seen this man wear trainers or anything besides boots.
I put on my shoes and left the apartment.

"Hello there gorgeous" He said and gave me a hug.
"Well thank you.You don't look too bad yourself handsome" I laughed, we always gave each other nicknames. He just nodded and opened the for me so I could get into car. He jogged to the other side and sat down, this reminded me of when we first we went to diner and he asked me to go to that Gala I never attended.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see" He said and smirked, I was quite curious.

We drove for a couple minutes before we arrived at an Italian restaurant. My eyes widened when I saw it, it was quite a posh restaurant. Taron just looked at me and we both got out of the car.
"Really Italian?" I asked.
"Yes" He said and we both entered the restaurant, T being the gentleman he is , opened the door for me.

"I have a reservation for Egerton here tonight" He told the man at the table.
"Oh yes , please follow me" The man said, stood up and started walking towards the booths.
This place looked very expensive, I really hope Taron didn't spend a lot of money on me because I hated when he would do so.
When we got to our booth the man told us that out waiter would be coming soon.
I sat down on the red almost velvet like chair and just stared at Taron, he looked really handsome tonight.

"Do I have something on my face?" He laughed.
"No uh sorry" I choked out.
"Enjoying the view huh?" He teased.
"T stop it" I nervously laughed, little did he know I really was enjoying the view. We sat in silence for a little while before our waiter arrived. I decided to order some pasta with chicken and Taron got something else that sounded very posh, we also got champagne.

"So...Ruby..I have a very important question for you" He said , damn he really likes asking questions whenever he takes me out somewhere.
"Yes?" I asked.
"So my mum and my sisters are leaving tomorrow" He said and I just nodded.
"And I'm going to be in my giant house all alone" He said and I knew what he was trying to say, but I just kept pretending I had no idea.
"Oh really? I'm sure you can invite some friends over or yknow get a lady...maybe get laid or something" I joked , I could see him choke on his drink.
"I'm sorry what?" He asked.
"You know get a lady...its been a good while since you had some action as I'm aware" I laughed , he seemed very confused.
"No that's not what I meant" He said.
"Well then what's your question" I asked again.
"Well em..would you...would you maybe want to stay with me for a little while?" He finally spit out.
"Taron ...I mean this is a big deal, I don't know , what am I gonna tell Lilith?" I said, I really didn't know because this meant I would have to spend a lot of time with Taron. It would also be weird because we're just friends and normally people do that when they're in relationships.
"Please , I just hate being living alone and you could leave anytime you want" He said , I could tell he really wanted me to.
"Well....I guess I could give it a try" I laughed. His face immediately lit up and he stood up and gave me a side hug.
"Yeah T don't get too excited I could disappear any minute" I teased.
"You better not" He said.

Soon enough our food arrived and we dug in. The pasta was delicious and so was the chicken and the champagne was extraordinary. I've never tasted anything like it before. This is definitely my new favourite restaurant.

After a couple minutes we finished our food , paid and left the restaurant.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Taron asked.
"Won't we get papped?" I asked , I didn't really feel like being in the press yet.
"You're right , we shouldn't risk anything" He sighed and we got into the car and drove off. We sat in silence before Taron spoke up.
"Also I had another question"
"Hm?" I hummed.
"Tomorrow night I've got a dinner thing , its a Kingsman reunion and everyone from the cast is going to be there and I want you to come with me" He said. I was shocked, he really wanted to take me?
"Are you being serious?" I asked, I was truly in complete shock.
"Yes of course" He smiled.
"Oh my goodness" I said.
"So you wanna go?" He said and I could see a smirk sneak onto his face.
"Yeah of course!" I cheered , I loved the Kingsman films and even more the cast.
"Okay well , it's going to be lots of fun" He smiled and I just nodded. I bet it is.

We arrived at my place and Taron was currently standing outside my door.
"You sure you don't wanna stay?" I asked, he looked quite tired and I was worried he might fall asleep while driving.
"I'll be fine, its only a couple minutes plus I wanna spend some time with my family before they leave" He said.
"Yes of course, well thank you for tonight, I enjoyed it" I smiled.
"Me too" He said and I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He just smiled and left.

As soon as I shut the door I started to freak out , not only did he ask me to basically move in with him but he also invited me to go to Kingsman cast dinner. I'm going to admit , Taron is the best thing that could've happened to me.

I still didn't know how I was gonna break the moving news to Lilith.

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