Chapter 9 - Restarts

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"I'll pick you up after school" Taron said before he drove off. It has become a regular thing for Taron to drive me to and from uni everyday even though he didn't need to because I have my own car.
These past 2 weeks have honestly been the best but craziest weeks of my life, let me explain.

After Taron and I became friend's again we were spending all the free time we had together, our bond has been reformed and it's better than ever. I have spent countless nights at his house and he has at mine, we would usually always watch a movie that he's in so then I could get to make fun of him for the rest of the night.
One night we watched Kingsman the secret service and the whole night I kept calling him bruv. It was hilarious.

And on the nights that I would be at Tarons we would sing songs together or do those Disney sing alongs with his little sisters which were always fun.

On other nights we would either get dinner or go out drinking which we barely did since Taron would usually order two long island ice teas and then he'd be drunk off his ass, I would tease him all the time about it but he wouldn't change his order. I on the other hand would just have a couple shots of tequila and then we'd order a cab back to his or my place.
To be honest I'm quite surprised that we didn't get papped once since Taron is the hot shit right now, I expected paparazzi to be all around him but I guess I was wrong.

In conclusion these past two weeks have been amazing and a lot of fun. I was glad to have Taron back in my life and I hoped he enjoyed having me back too, hopefully I wasn't getting on his nerves.

Anyways today was a day just like any other. In the morning I'd attend my first class then I would just practice performances and do theatre and drama.
This month we were doing a Romeo and Juliet play and I was lucky enough to be cast as Juliet and my good friend Matty was Romeo.
Sadly Lilith wasn't in my class so she didn't get to perform with us with was quite shit. Anyway , Matty and I became closer friends than ever before but I still haven't told him about Taron mainly because Matty knew who he was and I was scared that maybe he'd tell someone and then Taron would have a bunch of rumours and press do deal with which I knew he didn't like very much. I just wasn't ready yet to tell Matty all about Taron. That has also been very stressful since we couldn't really go to my house and practice since Taron was always around and he would pick me up and all.

But today it was quite different , Matty was coming around to my place for the first time today and I was very excited.
I texted Taron during the day not to pick me up since I was getting a ride from a friend , he had a lot of questions but he eventually left it.

Taron has been very protective over me and all , he has been treating me very well and I was very grateful for that even though sometimes it did get a bit annoying but it was good to know that he was always there for me.

"Its the next left" I told Matty , we were currently sitting in his car and driving to my apartment. He told me he has never been in this part of town which surprised me, my street always had a lot of people walking down it everyday.

Soon enough we arrived at my place and I got out of the car and led Matt up to my apartment.
"Here it is" I laughed opening the door , I felt like I was doing a tour for him or something. I walked inside and shut the door behind me, Lilith wasn't home because she has her yoga classes she attends everyday.
I took my shoes off and I saw a familiar looking fair of shoes sitting under the little table I have in my corridor.
"Oh shit" I whispered under my breath. Those were Tarons shoes , he wasn't meant to be here. This is going to be very awkward.
I saw Matty staring at me and I just awkwardly smiled and led him to the living room and as I thought, Taron was sitting down on the couch scrolling through his phone. When Taron saw me his eyes went straight to Matty and I saw his face expression change.

"Uhm..Taron...what are you doing here?" I asked him. This was going to be a lot more awkward than I expected.
"Well shouldn't you introducing me to your friend here?" He said and looked Matty up and down, he looked quite pissed.
"Matty this is Taron , Taron this is Matty" I said and Matty shook Tarons hand.
"I'm a big fan" Matty said and smiled, I could see Taron getting more pissed. Taron just nodded.
"Emh T can we speak in my room for a second" I said and signalled for him to get into my room now. I have started calling him T lately and he actually quite likes it.
"Matty you can settle down , pretend you're at home" I said and smiled. I followed Taron into my room and shut the door behind me.

"Could you tell me what you're doing here?" I asked him with an annoyed tone.
"Well since you didn't want me to pick you up I came here to see if you were avoiding me or you just had company, clearly the second one" He said , he was annoyed now. I could tell by the sound of his voice.
"T , thats Matty. The guy I'm doing my play with? Remember? We're meant to be rehearsing" I said.
"Oh well ,  I could be the judge" He laughed , I saw a smirk sneak onto his face.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"This..." I pointed between us.
"Why are you protect me like I'm some child?" I asked , I was getting angry with him now.
"I am not protecting you" He scoffed.
"You are Taron and it's getting on my nerves now!" I snapped.
"Well if I'm getting on your nerves then why don't you just tell me to bug off?" He asked, his eyes were full of anger and hurt.

"Taron I-" I couldn't finish my sentence.
"You what? You don't want to spend time with me anymore instead you want to be with that freak? Whatever he is name is. Is that what you want?" He snapped.
"Taron , Matty is not a freak , he may not be posh or rich like you but he at least doesn't treat me like he owns me or something. He treats like just some normal girl. And second of all , Taron I want to spend time with you but right now you're making it difficult" I told him , he really was. If he didn't come to my apartment and left me alone we wouldn't be having this conversation now.
"Fine. I'll treat you like a normal girl" He said and left the room and soon enough I heard the slam shut.

My whole body shook hearing the door slam, I hated when Taron was angry because when he's angry , he really is angry. I didn't what to do now, I honestly just needed some time to myself.

I walked back into the living room to see Matty sitting on the couch looking at my apartment.
"Matty can we practice another time? I'm not feeling very well at the moment" I said.
"Yeh that's okay , your boyfriend looked quite angry" He said, did he think T was my boyfriend?
"Oh Tarons not my boyfriend , we're just good friends" I said and Matty looked confused.
"If you say so" He stood up and walked into the corridor to put his shoes on.
"I'm sorry that today didn't really work" I signed.
"As I said , it's alright. I'll see you around Ruby" He said and left my apartment. I locked the door after him and went to sit on the couch. I decided to have a short nap since I was quite tired from the day and I truly wasn't feeling the best.

I hated fighting and arguing with Taron , sometimes it felt like we were some married couple that had gotten sick of each other.
It has definitely felt like we were one sometimes, we would be together 24/7 and we would always talk and go for dinner together and that stuff.
I still didn't know if I was ready to have something with Taron, I was quite afraid of love mainly because for me it never lasts. If I were to risk my friendship with Taron for a relationship I would rather stay friends, I'm sure he would too.

I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes but before I fell asleep I heard my phone buzz.
I saw a message from Taron.

I'm sorry about today , I shouldn't have snapped like that. I know I was being quite protective and I know I am protective. I just don't want to loose you , you're such a great and amazing friends and it would suck if we weren't friends anymore. I again apologise for my actions and due to acting like a dick sometimes I would like to treat you to an extraordinary dinner. Please be ready by 7 , I will pick up.

Taron xx

I never understood why he did that thing at the end like I couldn't obviously see it was from him.

But an apology and dinner? This is quite a surprise. Taron never does surprises.

But let's see what tonight has to bring.

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