Chapter 5: Butterflies

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Never before had Nicole seen a crowd like this

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Never before had Nicole seen a crowd like this. Cars lined three blocks trying to park but Bill had special access that allowed him past the line to a garage door welcoming them to an underground lot behind the stage. Before exiting the car, Bill passed a lanyard for Nicole to wear around her neck that read, "VIP Access" featuring a photo of 5 Jackson boys. Once parked, Bill offered his arm, and led her down a long bustling hallway of fast talkers in black t-shirts, then up an elevator. The doors opened to another hallway, this one deep and much slower-moving. Finally Nicole saw the open double doors to the performance hall. They stood at the back center of a balcony overlooking the whole crowd. The stage was huge and ornate with "The Jacksons" lit up as a backdrop. The audience was eager below, but compared to the crowd outside the restaurant the night they met, she saw more than pre-teen girls here. Tonight, every age, race, and nationality was represented in this auditorium filling the 8,000 seats.

Bill: The show will be starting soon. Is there anything I can get for you?

Nicole: Will I be able to see Michael before he goes on?

Bill: Unfortunately no. Tonight is a lot busier than we expected. It wouldn't be safe to bring him up right now-- But you'll see him after the show, I promise.

Through her disappointment, Nicole smiled, taking a seat in the front row behind the balcony rail beside a group of blonde girls a little older than her. The lights dimmed, suddenly invoking cheers from the crowd again as bright spotlights swirled around the dark smoky stage.

Each brother emerged one-by-one. Jackie, clearly the oldest, had a reserved nature and powerful smile with the strongest build standing proudly in center stage. Marlon, with a thin mustache and dark eyes was going for a sexier look in a deep-cut shirt. Tito looked fun and carefree, grinning broadly with his bass guitar. Randy, the youngest with a boyish grin, sat back behind a set of bongos. And Michael, stern-lipped with a striking stare looked mighty, despite his thin frame. He wore a metallic white top cropped at the elbows with jewels around the collar and down the chest.

Lights flooded them as the music grew louder showcasing Marlon, Jackie and Michael bouncing rhythmically to the sounds. After a few quick steps the lights fell dark and the boys hustled to their microphones. The music changed to a familiar tune as the stage lit up again and Michael began to sing,

Ooo, baby! Move it, baby!
Automatic, systematic.
Full of colors self-contained.
Tuned and channeled to your box.
Captivating, stimulating. She's such a sexy lady. Filled with space-age design.

Only three minutes in, it was clear that Michael was the showman of the group. While his brothers sang beautiful harmonies and matched their steps perfectly, Michael covered the stage, running, spinning and cheering for the audience to clap along. Even during the moments the song would have an instrumental break, Michael would yelp and mimic the sounds of the keyboard.

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