Chapter 45: Fucking Fish

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Saturday, February 16, 1980

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Saturday, February 16, 1980

Nicole didn't remember falling asleep that night, but she remembered pretending to be asleep, her back to the bathroom door after Michael emerged from the shower. She remembered him kissing her shoulder to see if she was still awake and the sounds that soon followed of his heavy breathing as he dreamed.

She was exhausted, but her mind wouldn't let her rest. She began to question everything.

'No sex' couldn't really mean NO sex, right?

Surely he still masturbated, what if they did that together?... With some other stuff?

Was her sex so bad that Michael was fine to give it up indefinitely!?

How was she not supposed to take this personally?

What in the hell was this project!?

Why did 'no sex' have to feel like their whole relationship was ruined?

Was sex actually the foundation of their connection?

Was she really that shallow?

Why didn't he tell her sooner?

Maybe she could seduce him?

Why was she so horny!?

It was 7:45 when Nicole rolled out of bed to get ready. Frowning at the cute matching sets of underwear in her suitcase, she now wished she'd brought regular, comfortable, "granny panties" instead. She pulled on jeans, boots, a sweater and tied back her hair. Staring at her reflection, the dark circles weighing down her eyes, Nicole had never felt uglier. Michael was still sleeping soundly as she closed the bedroom door.

Laura was wide awake and ready to go when Nicole entered the kitchen looking tired and absolutely miserable.

Laura: Woah. You look like you got hit by a bus.

Nicole: Ugh, I feel like I got hit by a bus. Then chewed up and spit out by a pack of wolves--

Laura: Hey, I didn't know y'all were into that kinky stuff!

Nicole: There was no 'kinky stuff.' I just couldn't sleep--

Laura: Alright, that's good too--

Nicole: No, Laura. We didn't have sex at all!

Laura: Huh!?

Laura was mid gasp when the front door opened. Perfectly Punctual Bill, right on time to witness Nicole's continued agony.

Bill: You girls okay?

Though she shook her head in the negative, Nicole whispered, "we're fine," as they walked out the door to leave. The car ride was silent, though Laura tried desperately to probe for details. It was a short taxi ride to the bakery and while Laura and Nicole whispered at the counter, waiting for a turn to place their order, Bill lingered in the back to oversee.

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