Chapter 40: Symphony

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Michael felt himself melt, and stiffen simultaneously

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Michael felt himself melt, and stiffen simultaneously. As they kissed, more fervently than before, Michael pulled her legs nearer, forcing her to feel the growth in his pants. He'd been aching for Nicole all day, and now, numb to the pain in his abdomen and elevated by the alcohol in his veins, he was debating taking her right here on this table.

The waitress came out again to collect dishes and offer coffee, her clicking heels warning of her approach. They said no thank you, but Nicole reached for the cake, giggling as she asked for it in a box to-go. Then Michael interrupted, eagerly asking where Bill was so they could leave.

Nicole stood, circling back to her side of the table to down her remaining beverage. She watched as Michael did the same, reclined low in his seat, a tight jaw and preying eyes ready to pounce. Then he stood, hands deep in his pockets, looking taller and stronger than before, only making Nicole's heart race faster. She laughed as he bit his lip in that familiar way, then took two steps around the table. She took two steps back. Still laughing, Nicole raised her hands, blocking him like a rabid dog. Pretending to be oblivious, Michael laughed too.

Michael: What? I just want a hug...

Nicole: No you don't!

Another long step closer before he reached and pulled her into his chest. Her arms wrapped easily around his neck as they giggled like the good old days. Like a detective, Michael's hands searched her backside for panty lines he would never find, only making Nicole blush and laugh harder. He kissed and nibbled her neck until a deep voice cleared it's throat in the back of the room. It was time to go. The cake was waiting patiently in the car.

With the limo already running, Nicole crawled in first, then Michael tight behind her. The door slammed shut, queuing their breathless kissing to resume. Pressing until her body was flat against the seat, Michael's chest hovered above her.

Bill: Where to, Mr. Jackson?

Michael paused. The plan was they'd be off to the airport together... But that plan had changed. Kissing his neck and chest, Nicole fought off the material of Michael's blazer while he spoke.

Michael: Uh, back to Nicole's place. How are we on time before the flight leaves?

Bill: It's about 11:15 right now. Airport isn't too far from Ms. Dillard's apartment, but we'll be cutting it close.

Now Nicole paused, searching Michael's face through the darkness. His jacket was on the floor as she fingered the buttons of his shirt. Slowly he turned back to her, sliding the thin strap of her dress down her exposed shoulder. Then he kissed her there.

Michael: Bill, I'm going to need you to drive real slow, alright? I mean it-- If I'm any less than 10 minutes late for this flight, I'll ring your neck!--

Nicole: Michael! Be nice!

Bill: Yeah, Mike, be nice!--

Michael: And turn the music up-- real loud!

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