Chapter 11: Going Steady - Part Four: Truth

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Nicole's eyebrows folded in the center, confused as Michael smiled wider then bolted towards the patio door

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Nicole's eyebrows folded in the center, confused as Michael smiled wider then bolted towards the patio door. He fumbled with the locks before pushing his way out and sprinting for the pool. He could hear Nicole yell, "cheater!" as her short legs tracked behind him. His toes at the edge, Michael paused, quickly lifting his baggy sweater overhead and tossing it to the grass before feeling Nicole's firm push against his back. They hit the water simultaneously. Then quickly resurfaced panting and laughing, the cold water sloshing through their clothes as a nice refresh from the heat rising in Michael's bedroom. For a long moment they paddled around quietly.

Nicole: I'm sorry I got weird in there, I just--

Michael: I know. It's okay.

She didn't need to explain herself because Michael felt exactly the same way. Aside from the conversations today and mild flirting on the phone, the two had never discussed sex before. To grow from a taste of early-morning lust to sharing a bed was more than Michael was ready for. But if their relationship did grow intimate in that way, Michael wanted their first time together to come from a place of love, not a surge of passion. He knew they weren't ready. Not yet.

Nicole: Since you started, I get the last question. Okay?

Michael: Alright.

Nicole: Truth or dare?

Michael: Truth. Always.

She wanted to word the question carefully, but the alcohol made it difficult.

Nicole: You said it was 'physically impossible' that you'd fathered a child, yes?

Michael: Umhm, that's right.

Nicole: So, I take that to mean that you've never, uh... 'done the deed,' so to speak... But what's the farthest you have gone? You know, in that way... With a girl...?

Michael: Oh boy...

Michael slowly dove his head underwater until his hair soaked up the moisture like a sponge, then exploded back to the surface with a deep breath. Clearing the wetness from his face, Nicole watched the heavy drips fall to his shoulders and chest, proudly defined under his thin white t-shirt. His face was strong and more serious than usual.

Michael: I uh-- I lived in New York for the summer... Two years ago, when we were shooting for 'The Wiz.' It was a lot of fun, you know, we'd go out to dinners a lot, the whole cast, and see shows and go dancing... There's this one club, it's called Studio 54... It's so great! I'd never been to a place like it before. Everyone just danced with everyone, boys or girls and even transgenders. Gay or straight, all races. None of that mattered. Just all people! And everyone dressed so great! The coolest shoes and stuff and funky hats, and you know, some just wore nothing at all. It was so free and beautiful... It's the only disco in the world you could feel that joy and love and escapism. Everyone felt it. It's the same way I feel at my shows, but it's different being on stage and the world is watching me... At 54 I felt like I was in it, you know? Like I was just like everyone else in that way.

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