Author's Note

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This story has been a labor of love for me-- on and off-- since I was 14 years old

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This story has been a labor of love for me-- on and off-- since I was 14 years old. I'm much older now. When Michael died, so did my desire to write. I hadn't realized there was still a demand for MJ fanfiction until, oh, around March 2019 when Michael's name returned to the headlines. I know many of you are young, but for those who experienced Michael's death, you'll understand that it felt like we were grieving all over again. Because of that, I found a once-lost comfort in the MJfandom. 🌻

Writing again has been incredibly therapeutic for me. I highly recommend it for anyone struggling with stress, grief, anger, or anxiety.

I've been pushing myself to finish this story and share something I can be proud of. I now have the great majority written, and hope that by sharing I'll find the momentum to complete this book by the end of the year. There will be about 50 chapters. Most chapters are long. Every word is important.

My goal was to write something that a teenage me would have enjoyed, without making an adult me cringe.

There's a lot of sex.

Some drinking and cursing.

A little violence.

But overall, it's about love.

I wanted to write something true to the Michael we all know and cherish. He was kind and generous and loving and playful. But he also had many demons to battle and secrets he kept from the world. Maybe sharing more of those secrets would've humanized him.

I want to humanize him.

I hope there are moments you read this and think, "Ha-- that sounds like him!" And I hope there will also be a few moments that challenge your perception.

That's the point.

Thanks & Enjoy.

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