Chapter 18: Just Listen - Part Three

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Eric and Michael laughed, but Nicole's face was tough as her eyes followed her father retreating down the stairs

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Eric and Michael laughed, but Nicole's face was tough as her eyes followed her father retreating down the stairs. She knew he meant well. Just as he knew she was an adult. Nicole and Michael were already living in the same city, far away from parental restrictions and capable of doing whatever they wanted any night of the week without his approval. Eric watching and keeping them separated here didn't do much for anyone, except his own peace of mind. Nicole heard the television click on below her and the familiar laughter of "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson."

She took Michael's hand and led him back down the hall to her bedroom.

Nicole: Thank you for staying.

Michael: I'm happy to. I hope your mother won't be angry.

Nicole just shrugged. She and Janice were often fighting. It felt as though, no matter how hard she tried, Nicole could never please her.

Michael: So-- How did your parents react, you know, to everything that happened?

She spoke softly, looking at her and Michael's hands tangled together. She'd missed the way his fit hers like a glove.

Nicole: It was hard. They were sad for me. It felt like we were all grieving for some piece of me that died. But they were helpful and supportive with going to the police and the trial and everything. I'm so grateful to them for that. It was all very public for our county and I'm sure they were losing friends the same way I did... But we never talked about it. I think after Andrew's sentencing we shifted the anger we had towards him into fear and protection of each other. The thought of going through something like that again crippled us all. So they tried hard to keep me sheltered. They hovered over me, suddenly so curious about everywhere I was going and who I was with. Things they never thought to ask before. I understood it, but it was still frustrating, so I would rebel. Never big things, just running away to Laura's house or skipping classes for a day. I think moving to California was about the worst thing I could think of-- but it wasn't ever to spite them! I love them both so much. I just had to do something for myself, you know? My father understands, but I'm not sure my mother ever will. I just couldn't keep living in the shadows of my 16-year-old mistakes. I had to start over.

It made sense now, Janice's reaction at dinner. For someone who didn't know him, there could seem to be obvious similarities between Michael and Andrew. Assuming that drugs, sex, and partying were a daily ritual for all young celebrities. Michael could see both perspectives. He too wanted to protect Nicole, holding her closer than before, and he wasn't even there to witness the immediate aftermath of her attack. But he also understood the stress of being over-watched. An eagerness to rebel is half of what brought Michael on this road trip.

Michael: I'm really sorry you had to go through that.

Nicole: Me too.

Shrugging, she released his hand and paced the room. After all these months feeling fearful that telling Michael would make him see her differently, Nicole was beyond appreciative for his reaction. She was sorry the whole thing happened too, but she was more sorry that she let herself continue being Andrew's victim for so long.

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